For years, many claimed Devin Booker puts up “empty stats.” This means his gaudy stats don’t contribute to winning. Instead, he puts up these stats due to his situation. In this case, the Suns’ lack of scoring and ball-handling puts Booker in a position to rack up stats. As soon as he got a competent coach and supporting cast, Booker started to win. With winning, this empty stats narrative faded away. What’s the difference between his stats now and then?
Not much. The main difference between Booker’s stats this year and last is efficiency. His eFG% jumped from 52.1% last year to 57.1% this year (as of December 16). Still, his counting stats stayed consistent. In fact, he’s averaging (marginally) fewer points, rebounds, and assists.
Though Booker improved since last year, his counting stats the same. Yet, he’s winning much more. The Suns sit in playoff contention despite injuries and a suspension to Deandre Ayton. Were Booker’s stats conducive to winning all along? Did he just need a good team around him to win?
Booker presents one example of this problem of how counting stats relate to wins. Naturally, better stats result in more wins because good players make good teams win. But, we have the Devin Bookers and Trae Youngs of the league racking up stats on bad teams. So, it’s hard to know how much they’re helping their team.
To combat this and give a more isolated view of player performance, we created true win shares.
In a broad sense, true win shares measures how likely a team is to win given a player’s stats.
We’ll do this by creating classification models on game logs. We collected every single box score for every player in every game since the 2014-15 season. This boundary is somewhat arbitrary. 2014-15 was the Warriors’ first championship season, which in some sense marks the start of the modern NBA. Going further back isn’t necessary; there were over 87,000 box scores from 2014-15 to 2017-18.
We collected box scores from Basketball-Reference. Each box score includes a player’s basic counting stats (points, rebounds, assists, etc.) and the result of the game (a win or a loss). We’ll train models that take these basic stats and predict the result of the game.
For the models, we chose the following stats as features.
Offense | Defense | Other |
PTS | STL | Location* |
AST | BLK | MP |
TOV | ||
3PM | ||
* Location = 1 if the player is at home, -1 if the player is away. We added this because generally, players play better and win more often at home. So, the location may help explain some of the variance.
With these features, we created 5 models:
- Logistic classifier (LOG)
- Linear discriminant analysis (LDA)
- Random forest classifier (RF)
- Gradient boosting classifier (GBC)
- Deep neural network (DNN)
We trained each model to use the above features to predict a win or a loss. Then, we looked at the prediction probability. The above models are all classifiers, meaning they predict samples to be either (1) a win or (0) a loss. But, each prediction comes with a probability, or likelihood the team will win or lose given the stat line. This probability is what we’ll look at. This gives us our “true win shares.”
The prediction probability will be between 0 and 1. 1 indicates complete certainty that the team will win given the player’s stat line. So, the best possible cumulative true win shares is 82. For this to happen, a player must play all 82 games and the models must be 100% certain he will win each game.
We’ll look at both average and cumulative true win shares for the 2018-19 season. In every game, players from both teams put up awesome stats. So, this means we’ll rarely see high win probability given a stat line. As a result, cumulative true win shares will value durability a lot.
Why true win shares isn’t perfect
Because we’re constructing true win shares based on box score stats, it won’t be perfect. The goal is to make a more accessible holistic metric, so using simple box score stats is better. But, these stats will overvalue some players (like Westbrook) and undervalue others (like good defenders).
Though predicting wins for each player stat line attempts to remove the effect of their teammates, the player’s team still matters. For example, two players can make the exact same passes, but one can rack up more assists if their team hits shots. This will give the player with the better team the better score. Still, other advanced stats suffer from this too; this is unavoidable. For example, offensive win shares considers points produced.
Points produced considers the player’s points scored and the points coming off their assists and offensive rebounds. So, this will also reward players with better teammates. Without using play-by-play lineup data, it’s almost impossible to remove the effect of a player’s team. Even with lineup data, we can’t remove the effect. So, true win shares suffers from a similar problem to most stats: it fails to fully isolate players.
Another issue with basing wins off counting stats is that weird combinations of stats that aren’t “good” often result in wins. This is because external factors affect these stats. For example, we wouldn’t say that the Warriors need Stephen Curry to get a lot of rebounds to win. Yet, in games where Curry recorded at least 9 rebounds, the Warriors are 6-1.
This doesn’t mean that if the Warriors stick Curry under the basket to grab rebounds, they’ll win 85.7% of games. It means that the other team was having a bad shooting night that game. If Curry – who’s not a great rebounder – racked up rebounds, the opponent probably missed a lot of shots. This gives Curry the opportunities to get rebounds.
We can find several other examples of this, but the point stands. Using counting stats will sometimes create weird results.
Model analysis
In the past, we’ve created classification models on imbalanced data sets. This means that most of the data was one class. So, measuring correct predictions wasn’t meaningful. In this case, we have a balanced data set.
We’re predicting a win or loss from a data set of every player’s stats in every game. So, our class proportions are almost equal, as each game has a winner and a loser. This means that accuracy (which measures correct predictions) is an important metric for our model’s performance.
As a preliminary view of performance, we’ll look at each model’s confusion matrix. This measures the number of correct and incorrect predictions of each type. So, for example, a predicted 1 and actual 0 is a false positive; the model predicted a win, but the game was a loss.
The graphs below show each model’s confusion matrix.

We see that all the models are generally accurate; there are more correct predictions than incorrect. This is indicative of good performance here. But, this helps us visualize performance – it’s not a concrete metric.
For metrics of performance, besides accuracy, we’ll use the usual performance estimators. These are recall, precision, F1, log loss, and area under the ROC curve. For our imbalanced data sets, we cared a lot about recall and precision, which measure the ability to accurately find the positive class. With a balanced data set, no single metric is particularly important.
Here’s what all these metrics measure:
- Accuracy: total correct predictions
- Recall: how many of the positive class samples (1, a win) are returned out of all samples with the positive class
- Precision: how many of the samples that we predicted are positive are actually positive
- F1: a way to combine recall and precision (lets us compare two models if one has higher recall but lower precision)
- Log loss: like accuracy, but for prediction probabilities
- Area under the ROC curve (AUCROC): measures how well our models separate between the two classes
For each model, we’ll compare these metrics to the performance of the dummy classifier. The dummy classifier randomly assigns each sample to a class. It bases the assignment on the distribution of the training data. Because our training data has 49.8% 1s (samples where the team won), the dummy classifier will randomly predict 49.8% of the test set to win. Comparing our models to this shows us how much better they are than random.
The table below shows each model’s performance in the above metrics. The best possible value for accuracy, recall, precision, F1, and area under the ROC curve is 1 (and higher is better). Meanwhile, the best possible log loss if 0 (so lower is better).
Model | Accuracy | Recall | Precision | F1 | Log loss | AUCROC |
LOG | 0.596 | 0.586 | 0.601 | 0.594 | 0.668 | 0.628 |
LDA | 0.596 | 0.585 | 0.602 | 0.593 | 0.668 | 0.628 |
RF | 0.593 | 0.606 | 0.595 | 0.6 | 0.668 | 0.627 |
GBC | 0.597 | 0.603 | 0.6 | 0.601 | 0.666 | 0.631 |
DNN | 0.597 | 0.581 | 0.604 | 0.592 | 0.667 | 0.631 |
Dummy | 0.497 | 0.491 | 0.501 | 0.496 | 17.373 | 0.497 |
Note that the log loss of the dummy classifier is meaningless. Log loss uses prediction probabilities, which the dummy doesn’t use. Instead, the dummy always has prediction probability 1 or 0.
The table below shows each model’s improvement over random.
Model | Accuracy | Recall | Precision | F1 | AUCROC |
LOG | 19.92% | 19.35% | 19.96% | 19.76% | 26.36% |
LDA | 19.92% | 19.14% | 20.16% | 19.56% | 26.36% |
RF | 19.32% | 23.42% | 18.76% | 20.97% | 26.16% |
GBC | 20.12% | 22.81% | 19.76% | 21.17% | 26.96% |
DNN | 20.12% | 18.33% | 20.56% | 19.35% | 26.96% |
Each model has a large improvement over random of about 20% in each metric. So, the models are predictive of winning games.
As one final check, we’ll discuss overfitting. Overfitting occurs when the models “learn” the given data too well. So, they’ll have high performance on the specific data, but won’t predict new data well.
One way we avoid overfitting is by grid search. Each model has hyperparameters – things that determine how the model fits the data (like a slope in linear regression). We created a grid of possible hyperparameters for each model to search. We created a model with each possible combination of elements in the grid. Then, we chose the hyperparameters that resulted in the best accuracy when tested across different splits of the data. We performed grid search on a random 10% subset of our data. Grid search on our full data set would be slow because of its size.
Along with grid search, we’ll look at the cross-validated scores for accuracy and recall. We did k-fold cross-validation with k = 3, meaning we split the data into 3 bins. With these 3 bins, we used 1 as the testing set and the other 2 as training sets. Then, we did this cycle for every possible combination of the bins. The cross-validated scores are the average scores across each split of the bins.
As long as our cross-validated scores are close to our real scores, we’re likely not overfitting. The table below shows the cross-validated scores and confidence intervals.
Model | CV Accuracy | 95% CI | CV Recall | 95% CI |
LOG | 0.596 | +/- 0.008 | 0.602 | +/- 0.002 |
LDA | 0.597 | +/- 0.007 | 0.602 | +/- 0.003 |
RF | 0.591 | +/- 0.009 | 0.628 | +/- 0.003 |
GBC | 0.594 | +/- 0.008 | 0.625 | +/- 0.006 |
DNN | 0.595 | +/- 0.004 | 0.603 | +/- 0.006 |
Each model’s CV scores are either barely lower or higher than their actual scores. So, we can say with confidence that our models are likely not overfitting.
Altogether, these performance metrics indicate our models are strong. Now that we’re done analyzing the models, let’s see what they say.
To calculate true win shares for the 2018-19 season, we collected game logs for every player. We limited our data set to those who played at least half the season (41 games). We gave our models this data to predict the win probability. True win shares is the average of the prediction probabilities from the 5 models.
We’ll look at true win shares in two ways. First, we’ll look at cumulative true win shares. Durability plays a big role in cumulative true win shares, as most top players earn a similar number of true win shares per game. So, the cumulative leaders will consist of good players who also played lots of games.
Along with cumulative leaders, we’ll look at the average leaders. This is the average of the player’s true win shares in all their games. So, durability won’t play a role here.
We can think of both types of true win shares as calculating wins in a basketball vacuum. The models predict wins using individual stat lines. So, they’re saying “ignoring teammates and opponents, this player should win this many games.” Cumulative true win shares estimates how many games you’d expect to win given that player’s season in a vacuum. Average true win shares estimates the win percentage you’d expect given that player’s stats.
The table below shows each player’s average true win shares. The true win shares is in the “avg” (average) column. You can sort the table and search for any player.
rank | player | avg | log | lda | rf | gbc | dnn |
1 | James Harden | 0.679826385 | 0.691017985 | 0.686499413 | 0.654407519 | 0.663205882 | 0.704001125 |
2 | Russell Westbrook | 0.666086084 | 0.667353488 | 0.663517322 | 0.631043229 | 0.657418274 | 0.711098105 |
3 | Giannis Antetokounmpo | 0.647005908 | 0.64227022 | 0.639273655 | 0.630830061 | 0.662500583 | 0.66015502 |
4 | Stephen Curry | 0.64474664 | 0.655399959 | 0.651717657 | 0.623821612 | 0.629389893 | 0.66340408 |
5 | LeBron James | 0.640480361 | 0.644883246 | 0.641439919 | 0.610836413 | 0.631442769 | 0.67379946 |
6 | Anthony Davis | 0.63634784 | 0.664788276 | 0.661937886 | 0.585550581 | 0.606618834 | 0.662843623 |
7 | Nikola Jokic | 0.632492455 | 0.628631695 | 0.62578115 | 0.619823634 | 0.636337875 | 0.651887924 |
8 | Kyrie Irving | 0.625498372 | 0.629404877 | 0.626317133 | 0.611210241 | 0.6182138 | 0.642345809 |
9 | Joel Embiid | 0.620202791 | 0.62542593 | 0.622975882 | 0.607913992 | 0.614587866 | 0.630110287 |
10 | Paul George | 0.608643378 | 0.631556006 | 0.628318345 | 0.572540071 | 0.585975788 | 0.624826679 |
11 | Damian Lillard | 0.606848355 | 0.608341881 | 0.605065554 | 0.599765076 | 0.600646473 | 0.620422792 |
12 | D'Angelo Russell | 0.606730822 | 0.60624881 | 0.603423125 | 0.595751886 | 0.606294913 | 0.621935374 |
13 | Nikola Vucevic | 0.603435992 | 0.61466652 | 0.612581795 | 0.581205298 | 0.593924535 | 0.614801813 |
14 | Karl-Anthony Towns | 0.600303025 | 0.612091893 | 0.609737117 | 0.579366078 | 0.586202667 | 0.61411737 |
15 | Kevin Durant | 0.598248177 | 0.593029077 | 0.590568918 | 0.599597779 | 0.595232596 | 0.612812515 |
16 | Kemba Walker | 0.595631303 | 0.601763364 | 0.598853817 | 0.585686396 | 0.581306434 | 0.610546502 |
17 | Kawhi Leonard | 0.595544755 | 0.592791088 | 0.590804765 | 0.597738825 | 0.595410343 | 0.600978754 |
18 | Chris Paul | 0.591138372 | 0.599611842 | 0.596494349 | 0.575265077 | 0.591419407 | 0.592901184 |
19 | Luka Doncic | 0.589307472 | 0.586444978 | 0.583678533 | 0.589231054 | 0.596224047 | 0.590958749 |
20 | Mike Conley | 0.588203378 | 0.588745717 | 0.586201842 | 0.582670477 | 0.590547572 | 0.59285128 |
21 | Kyle Lowry | 0.58098607 | 0.593686509 | 0.590799701 | 0.560290523 | 0.574746993 | 0.585406624 |
22 | Eric Bledsoe | 0.568951983 | 0.567665369 | 0.565785477 | 0.565295458 | 0.575431956 | 0.570581658 |
23 | Jrue Holiday | 0.567495609 | 0.577482472 | 0.574723042 | 0.550460845 | 0.553439609 | 0.581372075 |
24 | Blake Griffin | 0.566681591 | 0.568836355 | 0.566393072 | 0.562099801 | 0.559645966 | 0.576432762 |
25 | Bradley Beal | 0.562816439 | 0.575458896 | 0.572997844 | 0.541327058 | 0.543841759 | 0.580456637 |
26 | Jusuf Nurkic | 0.562541487 | 0.562763147 | 0.561464195 | 0.551696881 | 0.56549023 | 0.571292984 |
27 | Ben Simmons | 0.56027027 | 0.551905945 | 0.550027179 | 0.565846066 | 0.563853966 | 0.569718192 |
28 | De'Aaron Fox | 0.560143146 | 0.561129557 | 0.558984384 | 0.565105269 | 0.557922954 | 0.557573567 |
29 | Lou Williams | 0.559909746 | 0.555514457 | 0.553508209 | 0.555929864 | 0.568037378 | 0.56655882 |
30 | Trae Young | 0.559865566 | 0.560209062 | 0.557665346 | 0.558134285 | 0.561002306 | 0.562316829 |
31 | Danilo Gallinari | 0.558485935 | 0.556897673 | 0.555128311 | 0.558910569 | 0.565840968 | 0.555652151 |
32 | Al Horford | 0.558480692 | 0.562843519 | 0.561353979 | 0.544839254 | 0.559376961 | 0.563989749 |
33 | Rudy Gobert | 0.558368642 | 0.566103301 | 0.564905514 | 0.547346778 | 0.553438829 | 0.560048785 |
34 | Hassan Whiteside | 0.557415602 | 0.571881899 | 0.571158247 | 0.538477216 | 0.55265469 | 0.552905958 |
35 | Myles Turner | 0.55213184 | 0.559272608 | 0.558342378 | 0.542063024 | 0.54588425 | 0.555096938 |
36 | Marc Gasol | 0.551536842 | 0.556905003 | 0.555246366 | 0.538313728 | 0.543925118 | 0.563293996 |
37 | Khris Middleton | 0.550299349 | 0.552467115 | 0.550625683 | 0.543553802 | 0.555354569 | 0.549495574 |
38 | Buddy Hield | 0.549980567 | 0.55105106 | 0.549285303 | 0.551013076 | 0.548862989 | 0.549690408 |
39 | Jeff Teague | 0.546982589 | 0.554639853 | 0.553023252 | 0.547051898 | 0.546681307 | 0.533516637 |
40 | Draymond Green | 0.546643833 | 0.543201263 | 0.541574403 | 0.533610944 | 0.552322713 | 0.56250984 |
41 | Devin Booker | 0.545164383 | 0.537821817 | 0.535366041 | 0.560529666 | 0.53844885 | 0.55365554 |
42 | Nikola Mirotic | 0.544242008 | 0.547458814 | 0.545617828 | 0.542764638 | 0.544294472 | 0.541074288 |
43 | Mitchell Robinson | 0.544015545 | 0.553124723 | 0.552762396 | 0.534974526 | 0.532611218 | 0.546604861 |
44 | Elfrid Payton | 0.54341304 | 0.546514742 | 0.544932419 | 0.535540386 | 0.539723221 | 0.550354432 |
45 | Andre Drummond | 0.542702709 | 0.562016078 | 0.560959739 | 0.521492515 | 0.525887859 | 0.543157353 |
46 | Brook Lopez | 0.542131787 | 0.54586377 | 0.544666625 | 0.534123214 | 0.542540893 | 0.543464432 |
47 | Donovan Mitchell | 0.54067103 | 0.538036206 | 0.53618768 | 0.54959611 | 0.537888975 | 0.541646177 |
48 | Jonas Valanciunas | 0.539173688 | 0.54713338 | 0.546314216 | 0.532433972 | 0.530916352 | 0.539070518 |
49 | Terrence Ross | 0.538493972 | 0.534997503 | 0.533791736 | 0.545321246 | 0.542522623 | 0.535836753 |
50 | Larry Nance | 0.538358776 | 0.544222362 | 0.5435003 | 0.523631169 | 0.536199081 | 0.544240968 |
51 | Klay Thompson | 0.537837197 | 0.536797254 | 0.535481047 | 0.540793442 | 0.534494445 | 0.541619798 |
52 | Shabazz Napier | 0.537700539 | 0.542784703 | 0.541808315 | 0.528309068 | 0.538814968 | 0.536785639 |
53 | Kyle O'Quinn | 0.537006446 | 0.541635047 | 0.541364568 | 0.521510265 | 0.533285787 | 0.547236563 |
54 | Dewayne Dedmon | 0.534799129 | 0.542098234 | 0.54120745 | 0.523734464 | 0.532753179 | 0.534202317 |
55 | Joakim Noah | 0.534706273 | 0.545967184 | 0.545543951 | 0.513210846 | 0.523254474 | 0.545554909 |
56 | Julius Randle | 0.533251632 | 0.529766893 | 0.528508975 | 0.537109562 | 0.533487369 | 0.537385361 |
57 | Ekpe Udoh | 0.532972763 | 0.536830159 | 0.536567465 | 0.518543256 | 0.530474411 | 0.542448521 |
58 | DeMar DeRozan | 0.532887728 | 0.520171936 | 0.518848522 | 0.551937417 | 0.539130773 | 0.534349994 |
59 | Jimmy Butler | 0.532274905 | 0.531411429 | 0.529802853 | 0.534298292 | 0.53060098 | 0.535260973 |
60 | Derrick Rose | 0.531992561 | 0.532874926 | 0.531768211 | 0.526010012 | 0.530953779 | 0.538355877 |
61 | Jamal Murray | 0.531872321 | 0.535081859 | 0.533557407 | 0.527833379 | 0.526270069 | 0.536618888 |
62 | Luke Kornet | 0.531285963 | 0.542245544 | 0.541254029 | 0.510213903 | 0.520564986 | 0.54215135 |
63 | Darren Collison | 0.530587789 | 0.534632735 | 0.533046192 | 0.528786468 | 0.530676187 | 0.525797363 |
64 | Derrick Favors | 0.530561877 | 0.535253184 | 0.534743564 | 0.522395277 | 0.531653975 | 0.528763384 |
65 | Terry Rozier | 0.530543106 | 0.531149877 | 0.530008272 | 0.52314171 | 0.537573204 | 0.530842467 |
66 | John Collins | 0.529780005 | 0.534571109 | 0.533888653 | 0.524919483 | 0.523459958 | 0.532060819 |
67 | Tony Parker | 0.52967663 | 0.530197726 | 0.530045791 | 0.520429315 | 0.534551169 | 0.533159148 |
68 | Nemanja Bjelica | 0.528990608 | 0.534832807 | 0.534037055 | 0.517069158 | 0.525836309 | 0.533177714 |
69 | Rajon Rondo | 0.528324216 | 0.537253456 | 0.535329144 | 0.504370628 | 0.519626713 | 0.545041138 |
70 | JaVale McGee | 0.528099387 | 0.534795019 | 0.534479341 | 0.523176266 | 0.520635949 | 0.527410358 |
71 | Montrezl Harrell | 0.527170074 | 0.52525 | 0.524652809 | 0.528956528 | 0.531235808 | 0.525755224 |
72 | Bogdan Bogdanovic | 0.526685959 | 0.529529563 | 0.528234735 | 0.523173931 | 0.528898649 | 0.523592916 |
73 | Mo Bamba | 0.526398149 | 0.536227205 | 0.535977689 | 0.511498184 | 0.517617496 | 0.530670173 |
74 | Lonzo Ball | 0.525307002 | 0.530682367 | 0.529272756 | 0.507977919 | 0.52571297 | 0.532889001 |
75 | Lauri Markkanen | 0.524633399 | 0.532137934 | 0.530751641 | 0.516656659 | 0.52107601 | 0.52254475 |
76 | Dwyane Wade | 0.524601405 | 0.525275031 | 0.52396219 | 0.521672011 | 0.52920468 | 0.522893113 |
77 | LaMarcus Aldridge | 0.52444146 | 0.520779582 | 0.520087342 | 0.528559985 | 0.526092075 | 0.526688314 |
78 | Jeremy Lamb | 0.524239395 | 0.525812631 | 0.524862166 | 0.521886272 | 0.52521854 | 0.523417366 |
79 | Fred VanVleet | 0.523508677 | 0.525894458 | 0.524335115 | 0.522735261 | 0.525406229 | 0.519172322 |
80 | Joe Ingles | 0.523020236 | 0.528235789 | 0.526488675 | 0.515273547 | 0.520677745 | 0.524425423 |
81 | Boban Marjanovic | 0.522813768 | 0.534325072 | 0.533901235 | 0.49886558 | 0.510263774 | 0.53671318 |
82 | Kyle Korver | 0.522600454 | 0.518020384 | 0.517552384 | 0.524506148 | 0.532143681 | 0.520779674 |
83 | Reggie Jackson | 0.522544363 | 0.524054287 | 0.522597072 | 0.522622921 | 0.524870547 | 0.518576989 |
84 | Bobby Portis | 0.521861085 | 0.524685397 | 0.523638344 | 0.517931619 | 0.522084415 | 0.520965649 |
85 | Vince Carter | 0.521621315 | 0.52452335 | 0.5238229 | 0.514564597 | 0.520394051 | 0.524801678 |
86 | Georges Niang | 0.521454438 | 0.530115597 | 0.530008596 | 0.503633019 | 0.512528134 | 0.530986843 |
87 | Paul Millsap | 0.521232655 | 0.523070238 | 0.522362584 | 0.517342213 | 0.523850886 | 0.519537356 |
88 | Domantas Sabonis | 0.520981525 | 0.527099267 | 0.526225555 | 0.503557706 | 0.518108912 | 0.529916188 |
89 | Mason Plumlee | 0.520898132 | 0.527831232 | 0.527115825 | 0.505396892 | 0.517907991 | 0.526238717 |
90 | Alex Len | 0.520621687 | 0.527436977 | 0.526773484 | 0.508826831 | 0.517708699 | 0.522362442 |
91 | Ricky Rubio | 0.520605357 | 0.524683946 | 0.523012994 | 0.515953438 | 0.521498767 | 0.51787764 |
92 | Patrick Beverley | 0.520073505 | 0.518211443 | 0.517137967 | 0.515913227 | 0.525603362 | 0.523501527 |
93 | Gordon Hayward | 0.520064522 | 0.518338264 | 0.517613565 | 0.520209614 | 0.526712872 | 0.517448292 |
94 | Monte Morris | 0.519991091 | 0.522714911 | 0.521809063 | 0.516618525 | 0.519987189 | 0.518825766 |
95 | Thomas Bryant | 0.519978028 | 0.530711768 | 0.530170177 | 0.504369406 | 0.509834238 | 0.52480455 |
96 | Pat Connaughton | 0.519819205 | 0.520927299 | 0.520326887 | 0.511870741 | 0.525031984 | 0.520939112 |
97 | Otto Porter | 0.519376252 | 0.524287086 | 0.523309679 | 0.511795142 | 0.513971212 | 0.52351814 |
98 | Justin Anderson | 0.518954746 | 0.523029331 | 0.523010297 | 0.508498157 | 0.517174242 | 0.523061704 |
99 | Trey Burke | 0.51893088 | 0.521323627 | 0.520446432 | 0.512770588 | 0.518957093 | 0.521156659 |
100 | Rudy Gay | 0.518502954 | 0.525244846 | 0.524355989 | 0.504421167 | 0.51751044 | 0.520982331 |
101 | Clint Capela | 0.518407114 | 0.519398775 | 0.518937985 | 0.517349483 | 0.523026736 | 0.51332259 |
102 | Quinn Cook | 0.518338094 | 0.521991484 | 0.521402043 | 0.506498545 | 0.515182358 | 0.526616038 |
103 | Davis Bertans | 0.518279835 | 0.516679754 | 0.515953875 | 0.517994607 | 0.520492296 | 0.520278645 |
104 | Nerlens Noel | 0.518022123 | 0.536951787 | 0.536661539 | 0.492226866 | 0.496357207 | 0.527913217 |
105 | CJ McCollum | 0.517583653 | 0.514758272 | 0.513577461 | 0.525114157 | 0.517088431 | 0.517379942 |
106 | Jonas Jerebko | 0.51735366 | 0.523638487 | 0.523254493 | 0.503042733 | 0.51446879 | 0.522363798 |
107 | Omari Spellman | 0.517350372 | 0.522686777 | 0.522499134 | 0.504321464 | 0.513848785 | 0.523395699 |
108 | Aaron Holiday | 0.517293113 | 0.523738742 | 0.52312233 | 0.504350894 | 0.516153005 | 0.519100592 |
109 | Serge Ibaka | 0.517287686 | 0.520742076 | 0.52016276 | 0.513500079 | 0.5177172 | 0.514316316 |
110 | Daniel Theis | 0.517011667 | 0.525421344 | 0.525067952 | 0.500921237 | 0.509364904 | 0.524282898 |
111 | Patty Mills | 0.516518239 | 0.51478434 | 0.51373881 | 0.514713137 | 0.529252297 | 0.510102608 |
112 | Spencer Dinwiddie | 0.516516242 | 0.515348564 | 0.513783271 | 0.517719349 | 0.521973913 | 0.513756114 |
113 | Kent Bazemore | 0.516333061 | 0.518403657 | 0.517716278 | 0.511285675 | 0.51751286 | 0.516746836 |
114 | J.J. Redick | 0.516018018 | 0.514555452 | 0.513184692 | 0.526575582 | 0.517417277 | 0.508357084 |
115 | Frank Kaminsky | 0.515975089 | 0.524173853 | 0.523436281 | 0.499180878 | 0.511054777 | 0.522029654 |
116 | Malcolm Brogdon | 0.515786453 | 0.5186002 | 0.517508823 | 0.51081733 | 0.515662654 | 0.516343258 |
117 | Matthew Dellavedova | 0.515619791 | 0.521027192 | 0.520386103 | 0.505153255 | 0.5229221 | 0.508610305 |
118 | Maxi Kleber | 0.51533212 | 0.517768143 | 0.517571638 | 0.509279285 | 0.515582054 | 0.516459482 |
119 | Gorgui Dieng | 0.515147899 | 0.532181295 | 0.531800861 | 0.487786522 | 0.496718414 | 0.527252401 |
120 | T.J. Leaf | 0.514711505 | 0.523319588 | 0.523354037 | 0.500528051 | 0.504460243 | 0.521895607 |
121 | Jae Crowder | 0.514341202 | 0.511048716 | 0.510161032 | 0.52012548 | 0.517619785 | 0.512750998 |
122 | Lance Stephenson | 0.514290038 | 0.519070753 | 0.518380157 | 0.503899288 | 0.513182836 | 0.516917158 |
123 | Willie Cauley-Stein | 0.514219487 | 0.520584238 | 0.520080605 | 0.503266659 | 0.512314897 | 0.514851036 |
124 | Tobias Harris | 0.514179816 | 0.516386751 | 0.515141348 | 0.514994908 | 0.509594707 | 0.514781365 |
125 | Richaun Holmes | 0.513769003 | 0.523427935 | 0.523059701 | 0.5011065 | 0.504283578 | 0.516967302 |
126 | Sindarius Thornwell | 0.513722149 | 0.508254172 | 0.508342457 | 0.513125369 | 0.516642245 | 0.522246504 |
127 | Meyers Leonard | 0.513354624 | 0.523394429 | 0.523023635 | 0.494715191 | 0.504978152 | 0.520661715 |
128 | Marcus Smart | 0.513303031 | 0.514016751 | 0.512985375 | 0.508378138 | 0.521689227 | 0.509445664 |
129 | De'Anthony Melton | 0.513244505 | 0.515774911 | 0.515428464 | 0.50490524 | 0.517103688 | 0.513010222 |
130 | Tyus Jones | 0.513198271 | 0.52147453 | 0.520417996 | 0.506111266 | 0.513447732 | 0.50453983 |
131 | Andre Iguodala | 0.513158486 | 0.512153535 | 0.511528137 | 0.508147954 | 0.520776622 | 0.51318618 |
132 | Thon Maker | 0.513040379 | 0.520014113 | 0.519826352 | 0.502605357 | 0.506400947 | 0.516355123 |
133 | Delon Wright | 0.512958421 | 0.520906675 | 0.520070721 | 0.498243934 | 0.507817293 | 0.517753482 |
134 | Tim Frazier | 0.512881437 | 0.519157972 | 0.518413579 | 0.499981288 | 0.513206299 | 0.513648044 |
135 | Kenrich Williams | 0.512784026 | 0.506384072 | 0.506289383 | 0.512879885 | 0.52004989 | 0.518316903 |
136 | Marvin Williams | 0.512747528 | 0.508572143 | 0.508073784 | 0.516794116 | 0.5142087 | 0.516088899 |
137 | Dirk Nowitzki | 0.512475858 | 0.523208935 | 0.522650739 | 0.493467609 | 0.501278345 | 0.521773661 |
138 | Aaron Gordon | 0.512158098 | 0.513711472 | 0.512638233 | 0.512585693 | 0.505663401 | 0.516191689 |
139 | Gary Clark | 0.512143132 | 0.514422383 | 0.514288662 | 0.50109242 | 0.511799856 | 0.519112338 |
140 | Derrick White | 0.511728037 | 0.515751248 | 0.515034627 | 0.503915257 | 0.513764859 | 0.510174194 |
141 | Zach LaVine | 0.511589061 | 0.506048994 | 0.504507938 | 0.524889447 | 0.512490344 | 0.510008584 |
142 | D.J. Augustin | 0.511571872 | 0.515935386 | 0.514547505 | 0.50720835 | 0.513869481 | 0.50629864 |
143 | Quincy Pondexter | 0.511544783 | 0.508657537 | 0.508499776 | 0.509179706 | 0.511490392 | 0.519896504 |
144 | Danny Green | 0.510965758 | 0.505528494 | 0.504718903 | 0.516483237 | 0.513159428 | 0.514938729 |
145 | Taurean Waller-Prince | 0.510864777 | 0.509607889 | 0.509189185 | 0.519684813 | 0.512160269 | 0.503681728 |
146 | Timothe Luwawu-Cabbarot | 0.510753894 | 0.505294126 | 0.505525876 | 0.515389384 | 0.514865011 | 0.512695075 |
147 | Troy Brown | 0.51053148 | 0.517521972 | 0.517473221 | 0.496694933 | 0.503192397 | 0.517774879 |
148 | Cheick Diallo | 0.510477767 | 0.51756698 | 0.517543652 | 0.497072212 | 0.502950418 | 0.517255573 |
149 | Justise Winslow | 0.509889635 | 0.510141181 | 0.509025057 | 0.507103043 | 0.514298222 | 0.508880674 |
150 | Dion Waiters | 0.509791653 | 0.509625254 | 0.508492978 | 0.510499442 | 0.511606334 | 0.508734257 |
151 | Jamal Crawford | 0.509762184 | 0.514540677 | 0.513840355 | 0.503916684 | 0.513255355 | 0.50325785 |
152 | Gerald Green | 0.509622104 | 0.50790651 | 0.507402684 | 0.510038852 | 0.51080762 | 0.511954854 |
153 | Furkan Korkmaz | 0.509572431 | 0.517813059 | 0.5174036 | 0.494165864 | 0.5012725 | 0.517207134 |
154 | Dwight Powell | 0.508992466 | 0.51327651 | 0.512774149 | 0.501419557 | 0.506514435 | 0.510977678 |
155 | Ish Smith | 0.507905675 | 0.511540029 | 0.511016294 | 0.500873961 | 0.507809483 | 0.508288606 |
156 | Josh Richardson | 0.507886326 | 0.515940581 | 0.514728051 | 0.502647743 | 0.499639343 | 0.506475912 |
157 | Jayson Tatum | 0.507478706 | 0.506386317 | 0.505649159 | 0.512194522 | 0.512156006 | 0.501007528 |
158 | Pascal Siakam | 0.507272091 | 0.508091854 | 0.507313292 | 0.508892157 | 0.506042456 | 0.506020697 |
159 | Amir Johnson | 0.507263712 | 0.517954788 | 0.51773138 | 0.486696454 | 0.494104421 | 0.519831518 |
160 | C.J. Miles | 0.507079871 | 0.506496829 | 0.50639088 | 0.503810129 | 0.508826483 | 0.509875034 |
161 | Ivica Zubac | 0.506903363 | 0.51430365 | 0.514019951 | 0.49480218 | 0.498614327 | 0.512776706 |
162 | Iman Shumpert | 0.506746292 | 0.501537811 | 0.501405272 | 0.508782437 | 0.514048958 | 0.507956984 |
163 | Wayne Ellington | 0.506733956 | 0.501147057 | 0.500250992 | 0.512678868 | 0.509906914 | 0.509685948 |
164 | Yogi Ferrell | 0.506574838 | 0.514909391 | 0.514487191 | 0.491096466 | 0.49985633 | 0.512524812 |
165 | DeAndre Jordan | 0.506542421 | 0.509549797 | 0.509095596 | 0.498935542 | 0.504348253 | 0.510782915 |
166 | Jordan Clarkson | 0.506350396 | 0.504662588 | 0.503874275 | 0.511452969 | 0.50684013 | 0.504922021 |
167 | Jakob Poeltl | 0.506127071 | 0.51807166 | 0.517835309 | 0.488697488 | 0.493418928 | 0.512611972 |
168 | Jarrett Allen | 0.505943854 | 0.508309319 | 0.508002637 | 0.505889103 | 0.506006324 | 0.501511889 |
169 | Jordan Bell | 0.505818437 | 0.512685926 | 0.512558483 | 0.490293275 | 0.496710752 | 0.516843747 |
170 | Cody Zeller | 0.505817735 | 0.507997118 | 0.507980755 | 0.498654972 | 0.505927077 | 0.508528755 |
171 | Marcus Morris | 0.505788861 | 0.506285263 | 0.505487155 | 0.50817697 | 0.507144051 | 0.501850864 |
172 | Sam Dekker | 0.50558472 | 0.511281411 | 0.511681102 | 0.496292079 | 0.49724728 | 0.51142173 |
173 | Willy Hernangomez | 0.505498587 | 0.519755521 | 0.519169267 | 0.478406071 | 0.496065513 | 0.514096561 |
174 | Malik Monk | 0.504762412 | 0.509468695 | 0.50870234 | 0.495390468 | 0.50311481 | 0.507135747 |
175 | Malik Beasley | 0.50467626 | 0.503334628 | 0.50276683 | 0.50660595 | 0.503356243 | 0.507317648 |
176 | D.J. Wilson | 0.504669527 | 0.50631353 | 0.505994072 | 0.495545465 | 0.508299089 | 0.507195481 |
177 | Jahlil Okafor | 0.504345648 | 0.50604709 | 0.506015471 | 0.499393775 | 0.500469807 | 0.509802099 |
178 | Kris Dunn | 0.504234636 | 0.506615953 | 0.505279061 | 0.501620113 | 0.509252314 | 0.498405741 |
179 | JaMychal Green | 0.504227063 | 0.507588844 | 0.507144559 | 0.499590628 | 0.50898115 | 0.497830135 |
180 | Kelly Olynyk | 0.504131043 | 0.505315872 | 0.50460305 | 0.497317184 | 0.510222527 | 0.503196582 |
181 | Stanley Johnson | 0.504110426 | 0.504468601 | 0.504478266 | 0.502653952 | 0.502790826 | 0.506160483 |
182 | Deandre Ayton | 0.503867932 | 0.503991611 | 0.503776401 | 0.503739358 | 0.505547093 | 0.502285198 |
183 | Sterling Brown | 0.50369529 | 0.504613659 | 0.504607031 | 0.498674789 | 0.502400469 | 0.508180503 |
184 | Aron Baynes | 0.503616373 | 0.510929924 | 0.51069185 | 0.490007246 | 0.499574452 | 0.506878393 |
185 | Bam Adebayo | 0.503608957 | 0.507952176 | 0.507527127 | 0.494223267 | 0.500207458 | 0.508134756 |
186 | Dennis Schroeder | 0.503107987 | 0.500937857 | 0.499949229 | 0.513149846 | 0.507981065 | 0.493521937 |
187 | Kevon Looney | 0.502973566 | 0.510175863 | 0.510002128 | 0.489999909 | 0.496535273 | 0.508154656 |
188 | Landry Shamet | 0.502613769 | 0.496854565 | 0.496415937 | 0.512153927 | 0.50655737 | 0.501087049 |
189 | Trey Lyles | 0.502363197 | 0.509868091 | 0.509362348 | 0.491230114 | 0.494603863 | 0.50675157 |
190 | Devin Harris | 0.502199228 | 0.510122225 | 0.509710862 | 0.486912485 | 0.500160299 | 0.504090266 |
191 | Eric Gordon | 0.502126997 | 0.494403719 | 0.493555514 | 0.520958394 | 0.503322251 | 0.498395107 |
192 | Norman Powell | 0.502047861 | 0.503303771 | 0.50308924 | 0.501073652 | 0.503284996 | 0.499487646 |
193 | Abdel Nader | 0.501473435 | 0.502577384 | 0.502739224 | 0.495083222 | 0.498038865 | 0.508928481 |
194 | Marvin Bagley | 0.501431019 | 0.505139089 | 0.504710415 | 0.499179285 | 0.501654117 | 0.496472188 |
195 | Tyler Johnson | 0.501104239 | 0.500110828 | 0.499371543 | 0.505574201 | 0.505444659 | 0.495019963 |
196 | Harry Giles | 0.500994081 | 0.509159955 | 0.508983642 | 0.485444748 | 0.490369298 | 0.511012759 |
197 | Marquese Chriss | 0.500914987 | 0.509542403 | 0.50962225 | 0.487377785 | 0.48909668 | 0.508935817 |
198 | Ian Clark | 0.500861516 | 0.501146869 | 0.501001969 | 0.498987131 | 0.501465768 | 0.501705841 |
199 | Ed Davis | 0.500624056 | 0.51646627 | 0.516270115 | 0.478892635 | 0.490978932 | 0.500512329 |
200 | Jonathan Isaac | 0.500580918 | 0.498043762 | 0.497760184 | 0.506554736 | 0.504306506 | 0.496239404 |
201 | Jonah Bolden | 0.500478918 | 0.505694014 | 0.50487488 | 0.48651526 | 0.496525466 | 0.508784969 |
202 | Jerian Grant | 0.500447519 | 0.505355094 | 0.50469896 | 0.486433339 | 0.504258427 | 0.501491774 |
203 | Markieff Morris | 0.500156451 | 0.502786802 | 0.502285256 | 0.495941831 | 0.498625026 | 0.501143341 |
204 | Mike Scott | 0.499348583 | 0.502041626 | 0.501880398 | 0.493126043 | 0.496626313 | 0.503068534 |
205 | Rondae Hollis-Jefferson | 0.499301516 | 0.504748497 | 0.504800219 | 0.490517678 | 0.494671769 | 0.501769418 |
206 | Chasson Randle | 0.499089149 | 0.507369573 | 0.507068701 | 0.489891763 | 0.493829348 | 0.497286358 |
207 | Tyreke Evans | 0.499065244 | 0.5052277 | 0.504555737 | 0.489058782 | 0.497255603 | 0.499228397 |
208 | Cory Joseph | 0.498887927 | 0.495523732 | 0.494970379 | 0.498470806 | 0.509674435 | 0.495800281 |
209 | T.J. Warren | 0.498748272 | 0.496354663 | 0.495747583 | 0.501746085 | 0.505366597 | 0.494526433 |
210 | Trevor Ariza | 0.498451145 | 0.500167898 | 0.49911806 | 0.496856648 | 0.49273115 | 0.503381968 |
211 | Troy Daniels | 0.498339385 | 0.500345404 | 0.499994493 | 0.488947005 | 0.496139995 | 0.506270028 |
212 | T.J. McConnell | 0.497847462 | 0.503209497 | 0.502847929 | 0.489104963 | 0.495815912 | 0.498259011 |
213 | Dennis Smith | 0.497552282 | 0.496712645 | 0.495876715 | 0.506833398 | 0.50021321 | 0.488125445 |
214 | Mike Muscala | 0.497521025 | 0.499027949 | 0.49845907 | 0.491181048 | 0.498711673 | 0.500225384 |
215 | Miles Bridges | 0.49736364 | 0.499918713 | 0.499810936 | 0.491643354 | 0.496424482 | 0.499020714 |
216 | Kentavious Caldwell-Pope | 0.497243416 | 0.495097364 | 0.494620294 | 0.501660446 | 0.498864058 | 0.495974918 |
217 | Will Barton | 0.497178354 | 0.495344488 | 0.494682921 | 0.497153951 | 0.504799268 | 0.493911141 |
218 | Ersan İlyasova | 0.497078073 | 0.499397364 | 0.499260856 | 0.490187392 | 0.498128606 | 0.49841615 |
219 | Wendell Carter | 0.496821898 | 0.495081783 | 0.494788493 | 0.499080528 | 0.50174113 | 0.493417557 |
220 | Anthony Tolliver | 0.496720982 | 0.495026989 | 0.494833951 | 0.495463446 | 0.501509087 | 0.496771436 |
221 | Zach Collins | 0.496072899 | 0.501213952 | 0.501145485 | 0.485844746 | 0.49377986 | 0.498380452 |
222 | Tomas Satoransky | 0.496062561 | 0.504336537 | 0.503442711 | 0.487801616 | 0.490379671 | 0.49435227 |
223 | Kelly Oubre | 0.495854751 | 0.495982307 | 0.495182938 | 0.499868289 | 0.49795501 | 0.49028521 |
224 | Jaren Jackson | 0.495210655 | 0.495695172 | 0.495401001 | 0.498765688 | 0.49558307 | 0.490608342 |
225 | Luke Kennard | 0.495019623 | 0.493176457 | 0.492632392 | 0.497603511 | 0.497994764 | 0.493690991 |
226 | Greg Monroe | 0.494713334 | 0.502859972 | 0.502622245 | 0.48310817 | 0.482125854 | 0.502850427 |
227 | Evan Turner | 0.494633251 | 0.493732164 | 0.493414011 | 0.491252338 | 0.497643736 | 0.497124008 |
228 | Dario Saric | 0.494629898 | 0.49504195 | 0.494641726 | 0.494514569 | 0.497887859 | 0.491063384 |
229 | Marco Belinelli | 0.494550909 | 0.493638395 | 0.493066622 | 0.498297061 | 0.498094999 | 0.48965747 |
230 | Noah Vonleh | 0.493785965 | 0.494988787 | 0.494388581 | 0.490238122 | 0.493010005 | 0.496304329 |
231 | Jaylen Brown | 0.493450794 | 0.490922083 | 0.490680099 | 0.501102396 | 0.495699584 | 0.48884981 |
232 | Zaza Pachulia | 0.493447475 | 0.504078972 | 0.503937 | 0.474294851 | 0.484606236 | 0.500320315 |
233 | Nik Stauskas | 0.49330791 | 0.499160747 | 0.499012371 | 0.481506266 | 0.489187941 | 0.497672226 |
234 | Khem Birch | 0.493249318 | 0.50652267 | 0.506088112 | 0.476539705 | 0.477385772 | 0.499710332 |
235 | Tim Hardaway | 0.492833601 | 0.49022855 | 0.489041501 | 0.505224591 | 0.496675003 | 0.482998358 |
236 | Shaquille Harrison | 0.492769013 | 0.496597743 | 0.496376441 | 0.486307273 | 0.48854281 | 0.496020798 |
237 | Langston Galloway | 0.492691515 | 0.490093097 | 0.489805318 | 0.499183196 | 0.493075433 | 0.491300529 |
238 | Seth Curry | 0.492537207 | 0.488428681 | 0.488365175 | 0.498463366 | 0.49594409 | 0.491484723 |
239 | Alfonzo McKinnie | 0.492391204 | 0.500373981 | 0.500415835 | 0.478634795 | 0.483843347 | 0.498688061 |
240 | Jose Calderon | 0.492380932 | 0.494440301 | 0.494294755 | 0.489089762 | 0.499409828 | 0.484670016 |
241 | Kosta Koufos | 0.49194652 | 0.506669759 | 0.506416293 | 0.467815071 | 0.475752853 | 0.503078624 |
242 | DeMarre Carroll | 0.491829314 | 0.488192734 | 0.487838953 | 0.496961146 | 0.500760073 | 0.485393662 |
243 | Antonio Blakeney | 0.491784303 | 0.493411646 | 0.493424596 | 0.488137526 | 0.490048668 | 0.49389908 |
244 | George Hill | 0.491428334 | 0.488493608 | 0.488396401 | 0.496048445 | 0.498000021 | 0.486203194 |
245 | Nene Hilario | 0.491292393 | 0.504482402 | 0.504827424 | 0.473883317 | 0.474574822 | 0.498694001 |
246 | Ryan Arcidiacono | 0.491270923 | 0.489604332 | 0.489132055 | 0.494625961 | 0.497315911 | 0.485676359 |
247 | Thabo Sefolosha | 0.491183919 | 0.501339064 | 0.500939847 | 0.475469897 | 0.4776017 | 0.500569088 |
248 | Justin Jackson | 0.491022995 | 0.490650533 | 0.49058624 | 0.491929985 | 0.491330711 | 0.490617504 |
249 | Jonathon Simmons | 0.490460612 | 0.490096968 | 0.490268024 | 0.495259101 | 0.493276443 | 0.483402525 |
250 | Jeremy Lin | 0.490322317 | 0.497640486 | 0.496783629 | 0.477846288 | 0.487819526 | 0.491521655 |
251 | Torrey Craig | 0.490083144 | 0.487791528 | 0.487899973 | 0.490502336 | 0.493375307 | 0.490846578 |
252 | Emmanuel Mudiay | 0.489815649 | 0.489433717 | 0.488511883 | 0.49596723 | 0.49177273 | 0.483392684 |
253 | Tony Snell | 0.489801781 | 0.489595791 | 0.489459025 | 0.488570106 | 0.492501771 | 0.488882214 |
254 | Allen Crabbe | 0.489535391 | 0.478832533 | 0.478671437 | 0.503952509 | 0.498040784 | 0.488179691 |
255 | Enes Kanter | 0.489506013 | 0.499294715 | 0.498449094 | 0.473632741 | 0.481357223 | 0.494796292 |
256 | Tyrone Wallace | 0.489437593 | 0.492359348 | 0.492576699 | 0.479606064 | 0.484453402 | 0.498192451 |
257 | Derrick Jones | 0.489319553 | 0.488336652 | 0.488324585 | 0.489761221 | 0.489843762 | 0.490331546 |
258 | Marcin Gortat | 0.488945241 | 0.494521678 | 0.494417262 | 0.479401376 | 0.480640807 | 0.495745081 |
259 | Jabari Parker | 0.48881123 | 0.490671272 | 0.490080298 | 0.487500161 | 0.490126598 | 0.485677823 |
260 | Al-Farouq Aminu | 0.488538173 | 0.483905011 | 0.48359166 | 0.491423673 | 0.492877406 | 0.490893115 |
261 | Ivan Rabb | 0.48799673 | 0.494618864 | 0.494387473 | 0.473831841 | 0.480937131 | 0.49620834 |
262 | Maurice Harkless | 0.487975397 | 0.487709591 | 0.487630611 | 0.484285408 | 0.490188119 | 0.490063254 |
263 | Patrick Patterson | 0.487866492 | 0.488793765 | 0.488868766 | 0.482114513 | 0.487393532 | 0.492161885 |
264 | Thaddeus Young | 0.487866037 | 0.483746415 | 0.483572122 | 0.493204613 | 0.490934356 | 0.48787268 |
265 | Kevin Huerter | 0.487761964 | 0.48604767 | 0.485438524 | 0.492427517 | 0.488465387 | 0.486430721 |
266 | David Nwaba | 0.487701252 | 0.489566791 | 0.489858712 | 0.485527336 | 0.484126662 | 0.48942676 |
267 | Moritz Wagner | 0.487651363 | 0.491584913 | 0.491175462 | 0.480573182 | 0.483551111 | 0.491372146 |
268 | Alec Burks | 0.487382611 | 0.49377409 | 0.493198078 | 0.477607332 | 0.481605274 | 0.490728277 |
269 | Jake Layman | 0.48698223 | 0.487673639 | 0.48767548 | 0.485792466 | 0.484900645 | 0.488868917 |
270 | Dante Cunningham | 0.486878378 | 0.486230773 | 0.48626683 | 0.482575304 | 0.488555418 | 0.490763567 |
271 | Wilson Chandler | 0.486725781 | 0.483706667 | 0.483821704 | 0.488811891 | 0.48664752 | 0.490641123 |
272 | Elie Okobo | 0.486361362 | 0.486939904 | 0.486865704 | 0.487067495 | 0.490345033 | 0.480588674 |
273 | Bryn Forbes | 0.486054581 | 0.480449221 | 0.479981845 | 0.498684167 | 0.49105697 | 0.480100701 |
274 | Evan Fournier | 0.485746844 | 0.484619023 | 0.483854965 | 0.495141178 | 0.486964593 | 0.478154461 |
275 | DeAndre' Bembry | 0.48532131 | 0.486415775 | 0.486163333 | 0.482134009 | 0.486962453 | 0.48493098 |
276 | Taj Gibson | 0.484755749 | 0.48563822 | 0.485598165 | 0.484749212 | 0.485370945 | 0.482422204 |
277 | Devonte' Graham | 0.484728503 | 0.492429251 | 0.491238911 | 0.470374238 | 0.483806421 | 0.485793691 |
278 | Josh Hart | 0.484601115 | 0.478927005 | 0.478828643 | 0.491299125 | 0.487066212 | 0.48688459 |
279 | Cristiano Felício | 0.48445398 | 0.490301547 | 0.49052112 | 0.474060826 | 0.475692554 | 0.491693852 |
280 | Hamidou Diallo | 0.484288253 | 0.4864743 | 0.48657061 | 0.481534612 | 0.478953445 | 0.487908299 |
281 | Kyle Kuzma | 0.484146904 | 0.48322611 | 0.48242651 | 0.49002067 | 0.481563488 | 0.483497742 |
282 | Shelvin Mack | 0.483860065 | 0.48432042 | 0.483908797 | 0.484635586 | 0.487653162 | 0.478782362 |
283 | Bismack Biyombo | 0.483815078 | 0.491739804 | 0.491605929 | 0.468821394 | 0.474504924 | 0.492403341 |
284 | Nicolas Batum | 0.483745579 | 0.481125268 | 0.480661994 | 0.484714781 | 0.483494186 | 0.488731665 |
285 | Mario Hezonja | 0.483028291 | 0.484794375 | 0.484728162 | 0.479153033 | 0.479031333 | 0.487434554 |
286 | Joe Harris | 0.482790997 | 0.480203618 | 0.479468605 | 0.492514806 | 0.484658342 | 0.477109613 |
287 | Michael Kidd-Gilchrist | 0.482739039 | 0.488531165 | 0.488611696 | 0.477268094 | 0.474942422 | 0.484341818 |
288 | Darius Miller | 0.482604744 | 0.475748688 | 0.475352954 | 0.498205117 | 0.487442928 | 0.476274031 |
289 | Tyler Dorsey | 0.48238234 | 0.489762056 | 0.488990864 | 0.467349903 | 0.476683205 | 0.489125669 |
290 | Tristan Thompson | 0.482106151 | 0.489021315 | 0.488834697 | 0.473183082 | 0.47437442 | 0.485117243 |
291 | OG Anunoby | 0.481648519 | 0.476739179 | 0.47695313 | 0.484728836 | 0.485800441 | 0.484021007 |
292 | Jalen Brunson | 0.481211109 | 0.485101033 | 0.484450569 | 0.47476676 | 0.481197001 | 0.480540184 |
293 | Juan Hernangomez | 0.481191292 | 0.481140985 | 0.481091803 | 0.480227367 | 0.480732026 | 0.482764279 |
294 | Bojan Bogdanovic | 0.480927278 | 0.4761017 | 0.475585612 | 0.493565644 | 0.488018817 | 0.471364616 |
295 | Shaun Livingston | 0.48023408 | 0.486604557 | 0.486642639 | 0.471497548 | 0.476484189 | 0.479941466 |
296 | Shai Gilgeous-Alexander | 0.480114587 | 0.478448312 | 0.478132649 | 0.489008344 | 0.483629282 | 0.47135435 |
297 | Josh Jackson | 0.480019953 | 0.483571945 | 0.483265565 | 0.476250865 | 0.47730958 | 0.479701808 |
298 | Jeff Green | 0.480013255 | 0.478648619 | 0.478348712 | 0.486464764 | 0.482693827 | 0.473910353 |
299 | Royce O'Neale | 0.480005153 | 0.476918395 | 0.47695441 | 0.479725696 | 0.483026646 | 0.48340062 |
300 | Rodney McGruder | 0.479655646 | 0.473631926 | 0.473642632 | 0.488413879 | 0.482390427 | 0.480199364 |
301 | Jerami Grant | 0.479337007 | 0.47398614 | 0.47391289 | 0.487428838 | 0.483577259 | 0.477779908 |
302 | Dwayne Bacon | 0.478903531 | 0.47923695 | 0.478989862 | 0.47931989 | 0.474585082 | 0.48238587 |
303 | Damyean Dotson | 0.478650676 | 0.477052537 | 0.476786666 | 0.481125474 | 0.481372854 | 0.476915851 |
304 | James Johnson | 0.478508945 | 0.483546206 | 0.482818861 | 0.46815981 | 0.478234271 | 0.479785576 |
305 | Semi Ojeleye | 0.478093712 | 0.482079046 | 0.48196091 | 0.469456349 | 0.473240776 | 0.483731479 |
306 | Gary Harris | 0.477829836 | 0.474209715 | 0.473941414 | 0.486826145 | 0.480290805 | 0.473881099 |
307 | Dragan Bender | 0.477827488 | 0.475636676 | 0.47544437 | 0.477444595 | 0.478607515 | 0.482004287 |
308 | Rodions Kurucs | 0.477016305 | 0.478132786 | 0.478131659 | 0.474998733 | 0.476940265 | 0.476878082 |
309 | Solomon Hill | 0.476136316 | 0.469905903 | 0.470361693 | 0.482162866 | 0.480631404 | 0.477619713 |
310 | Dorian Finney-Smith | 0.475942398 | 0.471367322 | 0.471396064 | 0.479400282 | 0.479025226 | 0.478523099 |
311 | Lance Thomas | 0.475707014 | 0.475581625 | 0.476356935 | 0.475992247 | 0.473397927 | 0.477206333 |
312 | Glenn Robinson | 0.475298989 | 0.478810473 | 0.47899516 | 0.469254525 | 0.470909034 | 0.478525751 |
313 | Tyson Chandler | 0.475232511 | 0.477098296 | 0.477205358 | 0.470179406 | 0.473977893 | 0.477701601 |
314 | Doug McDermott | 0.474889756 | 0.476035362 | 0.476072663 | 0.47661451 | 0.472975674 | 0.472750569 |
315 | Harrison Barnes | 0.474834368 | 0.466827972 | 0.466288043 | 0.492576378 | 0.481212757 | 0.467266691 |
316 | Steven Adams | 0.474634203 | 0.469407587 | 0.469602351 | 0.480783782 | 0.483537974 | 0.469839322 |
317 | Mikal Bridges | 0.474195277 | 0.465334451 | 0.465232825 | 0.484851149 | 0.479573009 | 0.475984949 |
318 | Wesley Matthews | 0.473973826 | 0.468792411 | 0.468425662 | 0.489224019 | 0.477176639 | 0.466250399 |
319 | Ante Zizic | 0.47385263 | 0.474359563 | 0.474415318 | 0.473880157 | 0.473788112 | 0.472819999 |
320 | Robin Lopez | 0.472710612 | 0.4672528 | 0.467635902 | 0.484153338 | 0.479031693 | 0.465479329 |
321 | Andrew Wiggins | 0.472112248 | 0.469699104 | 0.469146552 | 0.484857682 | 0.47222811 | 0.464629795 |
322 | Frank Jackson | 0.471115402 | 0.468223895 | 0.468275384 | 0.479820742 | 0.470920708 | 0.468336282 |
323 | Josh Okogie | 0.470904423 | 0.464000874 | 0.464089196 | 0.480033092 | 0.477060662 | 0.46933829 |
324 | Kyle Anderson | 0.470776361 | 0.462614792 | 0.462531055 | 0.482543615 | 0.479775192 | 0.466417152 |
325 | Justin Holiday | 0.469956281 | 0.461168328 | 0.460968388 | 0.483778416 | 0.470355062 | 0.47351121 |
326 | Wayne Selden | 0.469344152 | 0.469638012 | 0.469811619 | 0.470656823 | 0.469902238 | 0.466712066 |
327 | Reggie Bullock | 0.469281236 | 0.463814056 | 0.463322473 | 0.48255392 | 0.471610928 | 0.465104803 |
328 | Jared Dudley | 0.469066767 | 0.464829982 | 0.464968738 | 0.472923902 | 0.475190061 | 0.467421152 |
329 | Cedi Osman | 0.468708092 | 0.462240931 | 0.461921861 | 0.481999843 | 0.472645503 | 0.464732322 |
330 | Frank Ntilikina | 0.467936428 | 0.466559056 | 0.466188227 | 0.469516976 | 0.473562623 | 0.463855259 |
331 | P.J. Tucker | 0.464386913 | 0.442582939 | 0.442791757 | 0.488058226 | 0.474850742 | 0.473650903 |
332 | Wesley Iwundu | 0.463303936 | 0.46218866 | 0.462357298 | 0.464963673 | 0.467509482 | 0.459500565 |
333 | Bruce Brown | 0.462881381 | 0.458201974 | 0.458666818 | 0.470441642 | 0.466595335 | 0.460501133 |
334 | Austin Rivers | 0.460970786 | 0.452597103 | 0.45261116 | 0.476498812 | 0.468841387 | 0.454305468 |
335 | James Ennis | 0.460326364 | 0.456484829 | 0.456356264 | 0.467599874 | 0.463406683 | 0.45778417 |
336 | Rodney Hood | 0.459371181 | 0.456224864 | 0.456035204 | 0.469360096 | 0.459466717 | 0.455769026 |
337 | E'Twaun Moore | 0.458219049 | 0.451955331 | 0.45182516 | 0.47534784 | 0.457749922 | 0.454216992 |
338 | Kevin Knox | 0.457878208 | 0.454989167 | 0.455007077 | 0.46953761 | 0.458392603 | 0.451464585 |
339 | Chandler Hutchison | 0.457310691 | 0.452160226 | 0.452690825 | 0.463964829 | 0.460464275 | 0.457273299 |
340 | Garrett Temple | 0.456853375 | 0.445634096 | 0.445955673 | 0.477015942 | 0.462739711 | 0.452921452 |
341 | Allonzo Trier | 0.455134207 | 0.452924948 | 0.452813291 | 0.461843607 | 0.458757897 | 0.44933129 |
342 | Brandon Ingram | 0.452004126 | 0.447622542 | 0.447791408 | 0.462448343 | 0.458670272 | 0.443488067 |
343 | Collin Sexton | 0.445381985 | 0.440583737 | 0.440477978 | 0.462107269 | 0.45049615 | 0.433244791 |
344 | Avery Bradley | 0.445007567 | 0.431412916 | 0.431645143 | 0.472289794 | 0.455970814 | 0.433719166 |
The table below shows each player’s cumulative true win shares.
rank | player | avg | log | lda | rf | gbc | dnn |
1 | James Harden | 53.02645802 | 53.8994028 | 53.54695425 | 51.04378649 | 51.73005883 | 54.91208775 |
2 | Nikola Jokic | 50.59939643 | 50.29053557 | 50.06249199 | 49.58589072 | 50.90702997 | 52.15103391 |
3 | D'Angelo Russell | 49.14519655 | 49.10615364 | 48.87727315 | 48.25590274 | 49.10988796 | 50.37676529 |
4 | Kemba Walker | 48.84176681 | 49.34459588 | 49.10601296 | 48.02628448 | 47.66712759 | 50.06481312 |
5 | Russell Westbrook | 48.6242841 | 48.71680459 | 48.43676451 | 46.06615571 | 47.99153399 | 51.91016167 |
6 | Damian Lillard | 48.54786842 | 48.66735051 | 48.40524434 | 47.98120607 | 48.05171786 | 49.63382334 |
7 | Nikola Vucevic | 48.27487937 | 49.17332164 | 49.0065436 | 46.49642384 | 47.51396276 | 49.18414501 |
8 | Paul George | 46.8655401 | 48.62981243 | 48.38051258 | 44.08558546 | 45.12013569 | 48.11165432 |
9 | Kevin Durant | 46.66335781 | 46.25626802 | 46.06437557 | 46.76862678 | 46.42814248 | 47.7993762 |
10 | Giannis Antetokounmpo | 46.58442536 | 46.24345587 | 46.02770314 | 45.41976441 | 47.70004195 | 47.53116144 |
11 | Karl-Anthony Towns | 46.22333292 | 47.13107578 | 46.94975797 | 44.61118797 | 45.13760537 | 47.28703752 |
12 | Bradley Beal | 46.15094798 | 47.18762945 | 46.98582323 | 44.38881873 | 44.59502425 | 47.59744426 |
13 | De'Aaron Fox | 45.37159486 | 45.45149412 | 45.27773513 | 45.77352678 | 45.1917593 | 45.16345897 |
14 | Trae Young | 45.34911082 | 45.37693405 | 45.170893 | 45.20887706 | 45.44118681 | 45.54766316 |
15 | Rudy Gobert | 45.22785997 | 45.85436742 | 45.75734665 | 44.33508902 | 44.82854514 | 45.36395162 |
16 | Buddy Hield | 45.09840652 | 45.18618692 | 45.04139486 | 45.18307225 | 45.00676511 | 45.07461344 |
17 | Stephen Curry | 44.48751817 | 45.22259715 | 44.9685183 | 43.04369126 | 43.42790262 | 45.77488154 |
18 | Eric Bledsoe | 44.3782547 | 44.27789875 | 44.13126718 | 44.09304573 | 44.88369255 | 44.5053693 |
19 | Ben Simmons | 44.2613513 | 43.60056963 | 43.45214718 | 44.70183921 | 44.54446334 | 45.00773714 |
20 | Brook Lopez | 43.91267474 | 44.21496538 | 44.11799664 | 43.26398037 | 43.94581234 | 44.02061898 |
21 | Terrence Ross | 43.61801176 | 43.33479775 | 43.23713063 | 44.17102096 | 43.94433243 | 43.40277702 |
22 | Marc Gasol | 43.57141054 | 43.99549522 | 43.86446295 | 42.52678455 | 42.97008434 | 44.50022565 |
23 | Montrezl Harrell | 43.22794607 | 43.07050002 | 43.02153036 | 43.37443534 | 43.56133626 | 43.11192836 |
24 | Joe Ingles | 42.88765933 | 43.31533466 | 43.17207138 | 42.25243087 | 42.69557507 | 43.00288467 |
25 | Andre Drummond | 42.87351399 | 44.39927017 | 44.31581935 | 41.19790871 | 41.54514083 | 42.90943087 |
26 | Reggie Jackson | 42.84863778 | 42.97245152 | 42.85295988 | 42.85507951 | 43.03938489 | 42.52331308 |
27 | Mason Plumlee | 42.7136468 | 43.28216106 | 43.22349764 | 41.44254518 | 42.46845527 | 43.15157483 |
28 | Monte Morris | 42.63926944 | 42.86262272 | 42.78834314 | 42.36271903 | 42.63894952 | 42.5437128 |
29 | Blake Griffin | 42.50111934 | 42.66272664 | 42.47948041 | 42.15748505 | 41.97344745 | 43.23245714 |
30 | LaMarcus Aldridge | 42.47975823 | 42.18314615 | 42.1270747 | 42.8133588 | 42.6134581 | 42.66175342 |
31 | Luka Doncic | 42.430138 | 42.22403841 | 42.0248544 | 42.42463587 | 42.92813139 | 42.54902995 |
32 | Khris Middleton | 42.37304986 | 42.53996784 | 42.39817758 | 41.85364279 | 42.76230185 | 42.31115923 |
33 | Tobias Harris | 42.1627449 | 42.34371358 | 42.24159054 | 42.22958249 | 41.78676594 | 42.21207194 |
34 | Lou Williams | 41.99323093 | 41.66358431 | 41.5131157 | 41.6947398 | 42.60280336 | 42.49191147 |
35 | Klay Thompson | 41.95130138 | 41.87018581 | 41.76752168 | 42.18188845 | 41.6905667 | 42.24634425 |
36 | Terry Rozier | 41.91290538 | 41.96084028 | 41.87065352 | 41.32819509 | 42.46828314 | 41.93655488 |
37 | Kyrie Irving | 41.90839093 | 42.17012678 | 41.96324789 | 40.95108618 | 41.42032462 | 43.03716919 |
38 | Patty Mills | 41.83797732 | 41.69753153 | 41.61284364 | 41.69176413 | 42.86943606 | 41.31831126 |
39 | Willie Cauley-Stein | 41.65177844 | 42.16732329 | 42.12652897 | 40.76459941 | 41.49750663 | 41.7029339 |
40 | Donovan Mitchell | 41.63166928 | 41.42878788 | 41.28645133 | 42.31890045 | 41.41745106 | 41.70675566 |
41 | D.J. Augustin | 41.43732167 | 41.7907663 | 41.67834786 | 41.08387638 | 41.62342795 | 41.01018985 |
42 | Jeremy Lamb | 41.4149122 | 41.53919783 | 41.46411113 | 41.22901547 | 41.49226466 | 41.34997191 |
43 | Bam Adebayo | 41.29593445 | 41.65207842 | 41.61722439 | 40.52630789 | 41.01701153 | 41.66705002 |
44 | Mike Conley | 41.17423643 | 41.21220019 | 41.03412892 | 40.78693342 | 41.33833002 | 41.49958958 |
45 | Jae Crowder | 41.14729618 | 40.88389725 | 40.8128826 | 41.61003842 | 41.40958282 | 41.02007983 |
46 | Marcus Smart | 41.06424248 | 41.12134009 | 41.03883 | 40.670251 | 41.73513819 | 40.7556531 |
47 | DeMar DeRozan | 41.03235508 | 40.05323909 | 39.95133617 | 42.49918114 | 41.51306949 | 41.14494952 |
48 | Jordan Clarkson | 41.01438212 | 40.87766959 | 40.81381625 | 41.4276905 | 41.05405055 | 40.89868369 |
49 | Malik Beasley | 40.87877705 | 40.77010488 | 40.72411322 | 41.03508194 | 40.77185572 | 41.09272948 |
50 | Danny Green | 40.87726066 | 40.44227954 | 40.37751224 | 41.31865893 | 41.05275428 | 41.19509829 |
51 | Myles Turner | 40.85775612 | 41.38617302 | 41.31733595 | 40.11266377 | 40.39543446 | 41.07717342 |
52 | Kentavious Caldwell-Pope | 40.7739601 | 40.59798383 | 40.55886412 | 41.13615656 | 40.90685277 | 40.66994326 |
53 | Nemanja Bjelica | 40.73227685 | 41.18212616 | 41.12085324 | 39.81432515 | 40.48939576 | 41.05468395 |
54 | Pascal Siakam | 40.58176731 | 40.64734834 | 40.5850634 | 40.71137255 | 40.48339648 | 40.48165579 |
55 | Patrick Beverley | 40.56573341 | 40.42049255 | 40.33676146 | 40.24123168 | 40.99706224 | 40.83311912 |
56 | Ed Davis | 40.55054855 | 41.8337679 | 41.81787933 | 38.79030341 | 39.76929346 | 40.54149866 |
57 | Jusuf Nurkic | 40.5029871 | 40.51894658 | 40.42542206 | 39.72217544 | 40.71529657 | 41.13309484 |
58 | Jarrett Allen | 40.47550834 | 40.66474548 | 40.64021094 | 40.47112823 | 40.48050589 | 40.12095113 |
59 | Cory Joseph | 40.40992206 | 40.13742227 | 40.09260074 | 40.3761353 | 41.28362922 | 40.15982278 |
60 | Darren Collison | 40.32467197 | 40.63208786 | 40.5115106 | 40.18777158 | 40.3313902 | 39.96059961 |
61 | Derrick Favors | 40.32270265 | 40.679242 | 40.64051087 | 39.70204105 | 40.40570214 | 40.18601719 |
62 | Kevon Looney | 40.23788526 | 40.81406904 | 40.80017021 | 39.19999274 | 39.72282183 | 40.65237246 |
63 | Hassan Whiteside | 40.13392335 | 41.17549674 | 41.1233938 | 38.77035958 | 39.79113765 | 39.80922896 |
64 | Jayson Tatum | 40.09081781 | 40.00451905 | 39.94628358 | 40.46336725 | 40.46032444 | 39.57959474 |
65 | Alex Len | 40.08786988 | 40.61264725 | 40.56155829 | 39.17966598 | 39.8635698 | 40.22190807 |
66 | Dario Saric | 40.06502171 | 40.09839795 | 40.06597982 | 40.05568009 | 40.32891658 | 39.77613409 |
67 | Aaron Gordon | 39.94833161 | 40.06949483 | 39.98578216 | 39.98168402 | 39.44174528 | 40.26295174 |
68 | Jamal Murray | 39.89042404 | 40.13113945 | 40.01680555 | 39.58750339 | 39.4702552 | 40.24641662 |
69 | Nerlens Noel | 39.88770349 | 41.34528763 | 41.32293846 | 37.9014687 | 38.21950491 | 40.64931773 |
70 | Bryn Forbes | 39.85647563 | 39.39683609 | 39.35851132 | 40.89210172 | 40.26667155 | 39.3682575 |
71 | Kelly Olynyk | 39.82635242 | 39.91995391 | 39.86364098 | 39.28805756 | 40.30757966 | 39.75253001 |
72 | DeAndre' Bembry | 39.79634742 | 39.88609359 | 39.86539329 | 39.5349887 | 39.93092114 | 39.76434037 |
73 | Ryan Arcidiacono | 39.79294479 | 39.65795086 | 39.61969642 | 40.06470283 | 40.28258882 | 39.33978505 |
74 | Miles Bridges | 39.78909118 | 39.993497 | 39.98487491 | 39.33146835 | 39.71395853 | 39.92165711 |
75 | Dennis Schroeder | 39.74553097 | 39.57409068 | 39.49598911 | 40.53883785 | 40.13050417 | 38.98823302 |
76 | Landry Shamet | 39.70648779 | 39.2515106 | 39.21685902 | 40.46016027 | 40.01803222 | 39.58587685 |
77 | Joel Embiid | 39.69297865 | 40.02725955 | 39.87045642 | 38.90649547 | 39.33362341 | 40.32705838 |
78 | Tomas Satoransky | 39.68500488 | 40.34692299 | 40.2754169 | 39.02412928 | 39.23037365 | 39.54818157 |
79 | Vince Carter | 39.64321996 | 39.86377464 | 39.81054037 | 39.10690939 | 39.54994789 | 39.88492752 |
80 | JaVale McGee | 39.60745399 | 40.10962644 | 40.08595056 | 39.23821994 | 39.04769616 | 39.55577684 |
81 | Al-Farouq Aminu | 39.571592 | 39.19630589 | 39.17092443 | 39.80531749 | 39.92306986 | 39.76234234 |
82 | Thaddeus Young | 39.51714901 | 39.1834596 | 39.1693419 | 39.94957362 | 39.76568281 | 39.5176871 |
83 | Mike Scott | 39.44853802 | 39.66128842 | 39.64855142 | 38.95695736 | 39.23347875 | 39.74241417 |
84 | Davis Bertans | 39.38926749 | 39.26766129 | 39.21249447 | 39.36759014 | 39.5574145 | 39.54117702 |
85 | Shai Gilgeous-Alexander | 39.36939617 | 39.23276161 | 39.20687718 | 40.09868419 | 39.65760113 | 38.65105672 |
86 | Royce O'Neale | 39.36042257 | 39.1073084 | 39.11026162 | 39.33750707 | 39.60818496 | 39.6388508 |
87 | Evan Fournier | 39.34549437 | 39.25414089 | 39.19225215 | 40.10643544 | 39.44413203 | 38.73051133 |
88 | Justin Jackson | 39.28183956 | 39.25204264 | 39.24689916 | 39.3543988 | 39.30645692 | 39.24940028 |
89 | J.J. Redick | 39.21736935 | 39.10621438 | 39.0020366 | 40.01974426 | 39.32371308 | 38.63513841 |
90 | Dwight Powell | 39.19241987 | 39.5222913 | 39.48360947 | 38.60930588 | 39.0016115 | 39.34528121 |
91 | Gorgui Dieng | 39.15124031 | 40.44577844 | 40.41686546 | 37.07177571 | 37.75059948 | 40.07118246 |
92 | Marco Belinelli | 39.06952184 | 38.99743317 | 38.95226314 | 39.36546782 | 39.34950495 | 38.68294012 |
93 | Jakob Poeltl | 38.9717845 | 39.89151784 | 39.87331878 | 37.62970657 | 37.99325749 | 39.47112183 |
94 | Bojan Bogdanovic | 38.95510949 | 38.56423768 | 38.52243455 | 39.97881715 | 39.52952419 | 38.18053389 |
95 | Julius Randle | 38.92736913 | 38.67298318 | 38.5811552 | 39.20899804 | 38.94457792 | 39.22913133 |
96 | Mikal Bridges | 38.88401268 | 38.15742495 | 38.14909166 | 39.75779422 | 39.32498675 | 39.03076581 |
97 | Domantas Sabonis | 38.55263288 | 39.00534573 | 38.94069104 | 37.26327024 | 38.34005947 | 39.21379794 |
98 | Dorian Finney-Smith | 38.55133428 | 38.18075311 | 38.18308115 | 38.83142283 | 38.80104327 | 38.76037102 |
99 | Justin Holiday | 38.53641502 | 37.81580289 | 37.79940782 | 39.66983011 | 38.56911509 | 38.82791919 |
100 | Delon Wright | 38.47188156 | 39.06800061 | 39.00530407 | 37.36829504 | 38.08629695 | 38.83151113 |
101 | Marvin Williams | 38.45606461 | 38.1429107 | 38.10553377 | 38.75955869 | 38.56565249 | 38.7066674 |
102 | Langston Galloway | 38.42993813 | 38.22726156 | 38.20481479 | 38.93628929 | 38.45988375 | 38.32144126 |
103 | Jerami Grant | 38.34696056 | 37.91889119 | 37.91303118 | 38.99430703 | 38.68618073 | 38.22239265 |
104 | Serge Ibaka | 38.27928878 | 38.53491362 | 38.49204426 | 37.99900586 | 38.31107278 | 38.05940738 |
105 | P.J. Tucker | 38.07972689 | 36.29180098 | 36.30892405 | 40.02077454 | 38.93776088 | 38.83937402 |
106 | Jrue Holiday | 38.02220579 | 38.69132564 | 38.50644383 | 36.88087664 | 37.08045382 | 38.95192904 |
107 | Danilo Gallinari | 37.97704355 | 37.86904178 | 37.74872512 | 38.00591872 | 38.47718586 | 37.78434629 |
108 | Al Horford | 37.97668707 | 38.27335926 | 38.17207054 | 37.04906925 | 38.03763334 | 38.35130296 |
109 | Steven Adams | 37.97073626 | 37.55260696 | 37.5681881 | 38.46270254 | 38.68303791 | 37.58714579 |
110 | Marcus Morris | 37.93416456 | 37.97139473 | 37.91153662 | 38.11327278 | 38.03580384 | 37.63881482 |
111 | Josh Jackson | 37.92157626 | 38.20218365 | 38.17797966 | 37.62381833 | 37.70745684 | 37.8964428 |
112 | Quinn Cook | 37.83868083 | 38.10537835 | 38.06234915 | 36.97439375 | 37.60831211 | 38.44297078 |
113 | Dwyane Wade | 37.77130117 | 37.81980224 | 37.72527767 | 37.56038481 | 38.10273699 | 37.64830412 |
114 | Jonas Jerebko | 37.76681719 | 38.22560955 | 38.19757803 | 36.72211948 | 37.55622164 | 38.13255724 |
115 | Kyle Lowry | 37.76409456 | 38.5896231 | 38.40198057 | 36.41888398 | 37.35855457 | 38.05143056 |
116 | Zach Collins | 37.70154034 | 38.09226035 | 38.08705688 | 36.9242007 | 37.52726936 | 37.87691439 |
117 | Jonathan Isaac | 37.54356889 | 37.35328214 | 37.33201381 | 37.99160519 | 37.82298795 | 37.21795533 |
118 | Gordon Hayward | 37.44464555 | 37.32035504 | 37.26817668 | 37.4550922 | 37.92332681 | 37.25627703 |
119 | Thomas Bryant | 37.43841801 | 38.2112473 | 38.17225277 | 36.31459724 | 36.70806517 | 37.78592759 |
120 | T.J. McConnell | 37.33855968 | 37.7407123 | 37.71359465 | 36.68287221 | 37.18619341 | 37.36942585 |
121 | Gerald Green | 37.20241359 | 37.07717521 | 37.04039594 | 37.23283622 | 37.28895625 | 37.37270432 |
122 | Josh Richardson | 37.07570181 | 37.66366241 | 37.57514776 | 36.69328524 | 36.47367207 | 36.97274158 |
123 | Jeff Green | 36.96102064 | 36.85594369 | 36.83285082 | 37.45778685 | 37.16742469 | 36.49109716 |
124 | Bogdan Bogdanovic | 36.86801712 | 37.06706941 | 36.97643143 | 36.62217519 | 37.02290545 | 36.6515041 |
125 | Torrey Craig | 36.75623582 | 36.58436458 | 36.59249796 | 36.7876752 | 37.003148 | 36.81349333 |
126 | Joe Harris | 36.69211578 | 36.49547499 | 36.43961401 | 37.43112527 | 36.83403402 | 36.26033062 |
127 | Maxi Kleber | 36.58858054 | 36.76153813 | 36.74758632 | 36.15882923 | 36.60632583 | 36.6686232 |
128 | Kevin Huerter | 36.58214729 | 36.45357524 | 36.40788929 | 36.93206379 | 36.63490405 | 36.48230409 |
129 | Harrison Barnes | 36.56224636 | 35.94575388 | 35.90417928 | 37.92838111 | 37.05338231 | 35.9795352 |
130 | Collin Sexton | 36.52132277 | 36.12786642 | 36.11919424 | 37.89279604 | 36.94068429 | 35.52607288 |
131 | Jaylen Brown | 36.51535878 | 36.32823416 | 36.31032732 | 37.0815773 | 36.68176921 | 36.17488591 |
132 | Paul Millsap | 36.48628588 | 36.61491667 | 36.56538089 | 36.21395493 | 36.66956201 | 36.3676149 |
133 | Malik Monk | 36.34289367 | 36.68174607 | 36.62656847 | 35.66811371 | 36.2242663 | 36.51377376 |
134 | Jeremy Lin | 36.28385146 | 36.82539598 | 36.76198855 | 35.36062534 | 36.09864495 | 36.37260245 |
135 | Nicolas Batum | 36.28091842 | 36.08439513 | 36.04964958 | 36.35360859 | 36.26206395 | 36.65487484 |
136 | CJ McCollum | 36.23085568 | 36.03307901 | 35.95042225 | 36.75799099 | 36.19619017 | 36.21659597 |
137 | Evan Turner | 36.10822734 | 36.04244794 | 36.01922281 | 35.86142064 | 36.32799272 | 36.29005258 |
138 | Draymond Green | 36.07849295 | 35.85128338 | 35.74391058 | 35.21832229 | 36.45329909 | 37.12564941 |
139 | Larry Nance | 36.07003799 | 36.46289825 | 36.41452013 | 35.08328831 | 35.92533842 | 36.46414485 |
140 | Kyle Korver | 36.05943134 | 35.7434065 | 35.7111145 | 36.19092424 | 36.71791397 | 35.93379749 |
141 | Shaquille Harrison | 35.97213794 | 36.25163521 | 36.23548017 | 35.50043093 | 35.66362515 | 36.20951825 |
142 | Richaun Holmes | 35.96383022 | 36.63995542 | 36.61417909 | 35.07745499 | 35.29985046 | 36.18771112 |
143 | Seth Curry | 35.95521611 | 35.65529372 | 35.65065775 | 36.3878257 | 36.20391858 | 35.87838478 |
144 | Mitchell Robinson | 35.90502597 | 36.50623171 | 36.48231816 | 35.30831875 | 35.15234039 | 36.07592086 |
145 | Rudy Gay | 35.77670386 | 36.24189439 | 36.18056322 | 34.80506049 | 35.70822037 | 35.94778082 |
146 | Deandre Ayton | 35.77462318 | 35.78340441 | 35.76812444 | 35.7654944 | 35.89384357 | 35.66224907 |
147 | Kawhi Leonard | 35.7326853 | 35.56746529 | 35.44828589 | 35.86432949 | 35.72462058 | 36.05872523 |
148 | Anthony Davis | 35.63547904 | 37.22814343 | 37.06852163 | 32.79083256 | 33.97065471 | 37.11924288 |
149 | Cedi Osman | 35.62181498 | 35.13031074 | 35.10606141 | 36.6319881 | 35.92105819 | 35.31965646 |
150 | Ricky Rubio | 35.40116428 | 35.67850833 | 35.56488362 | 35.08483378 | 35.46191619 | 35.21567949 |
151 | Tony Snell | 35.26572826 | 35.25089695 | 35.2410498 | 35.17704761 | 35.46012752 | 35.19951943 |
152 | LeBron James | 35.22641988 | 35.46857856 | 35.27919552 | 33.59600272 | 34.72935231 | 37.05897031 |
153 | Wayne Selden | 35.20081139 | 35.22285091 | 35.23587145 | 35.29926174 | 35.24266788 | 35.00340497 |
154 | Doug McDermott | 35.14184192 | 35.22661681 | 35.22937707 | 35.26947377 | 35.00019987 | 34.98354211 |
155 | Jalen Brunson | 35.12841099 | 35.41237542 | 35.36489152 | 34.65797351 | 35.12738105 | 35.07943342 |
156 | Spencer Dinwiddie | 35.12310447 | 35.04370233 | 34.93726243 | 35.20491575 | 35.49422612 | 34.93541573 |
157 | Austin Rivers | 35.03377974 | 34.39737983 | 34.39844814 | 36.21390973 | 35.63194541 | 34.52721557 |
158 | Robin Lopez | 34.98058531 | 34.57670717 | 34.60505675 | 35.82734698 | 35.44834529 | 34.44547038 |
159 | Lance Stephenson | 34.9717226 | 35.2968112 | 35.24985065 | 34.26515158 | 34.89643285 | 35.15036675 |
160 | Yogi Ferrell | 34.95366381 | 35.52874795 | 35.49961621 | 33.88565614 | 34.49008677 | 35.364212 |
161 | DeAndre Jordan | 34.95142702 | 35.15893598 | 35.12759611 | 34.42655239 | 34.80002944 | 35.24402117 |
162 | Damyean Dotson | 34.94149938 | 34.82483521 | 34.80542661 | 35.12215959 | 35.14021834 | 34.81485713 |
163 | Tyus Jones | 34.89748241 | 35.46026805 | 35.38842373 | 34.41556607 | 34.91444575 | 34.30870846 |
164 | Andre Iguodala | 34.89477703 | 34.8264404 | 34.78391334 | 34.55406086 | 35.41281028 | 34.89666027 |
165 | Devin Booker | 34.89052049 | 34.42059626 | 34.26342664 | 35.87389862 | 34.46072639 | 35.43395454 |
166 | Josh Okogie | 34.84692728 | 34.33606464 | 34.34260052 | 35.52244881 | 35.30248899 | 34.73103344 |
167 | Clint Capela | 34.73327663 | 34.79971791 | 34.76884502 | 34.66241538 | 35.0427913 | 34.39261354 |
168 | Jimmy Butler | 34.59786885 | 34.54174287 | 34.43718546 | 34.72938896 | 34.48906373 | 34.79196325 |
169 | Kent Bazemore | 34.5943151 | 34.73304504 | 34.68699063 | 34.25614022 | 34.6733616 | 34.62203803 |
170 | Jake Layman | 34.5757383 | 34.62482835 | 34.62495911 | 34.49126509 | 34.42794582 | 34.70969311 |
171 | Andrew Wiggins | 34.46419413 | 34.28803456 | 34.24769828 | 35.39461077 | 34.47265201 | 33.91797504 |
172 | Tyreke Evans | 34.43550182 | 34.86071133 | 34.81434585 | 33.74505595 | 34.31063658 | 34.44675937 |
173 | Trevor Ariza | 34.39312898 | 34.51158494 | 34.43914616 | 34.28310871 | 33.99844932 | 34.73335577 |
174 | Kevin Knox | 34.34086562 | 34.12418751 | 34.1255308 | 35.21532075 | 34.37944519 | 33.85984385 |
175 | Chris Paul | 34.28602556 | 34.77748682 | 34.59667226 | 33.36537444 | 34.30232563 | 34.38826865 |
176 | Derrick White | 34.28577848 | 34.55533365 | 34.50732001 | 33.7623222 | 34.42224558 | 34.18167097 |
177 | Garrett Temple | 34.26400311 | 33.42255719 | 33.44667548 | 35.77619568 | 34.70547829 | 33.96910889 |
178 | Bruce Brown | 34.25322216 | 33.90694611 | 33.94134452 | 34.8126815 | 34.52805482 | 34.07708384 |
179 | Dewayne Dedmon | 34.22714423 | 34.69428697 | 34.63727678 | 33.51900571 | 34.09620343 | 34.18894829 |
180 | Kelly Oubre | 34.21397779 | 34.22277917 | 34.16762271 | 34.49091193 | 34.35889568 | 33.82967947 |
181 | Devin Harris | 34.14954747 | 34.68831129 | 34.66033863 | 33.11004897 | 34.01090036 | 34.27813812 |
182 | Eric Gordon | 34.14463579 | 33.61945286 | 33.56177492 | 35.42517078 | 34.2259131 | 33.8908673 |
183 | Daniel Theis | 34.12277002 | 34.67780872 | 34.65448484 | 33.06080164 | 33.61808367 | 34.60267125 |
184 | Alfonzo McKinnie | 33.97499307 | 34.52580472 | 34.52869261 | 33.02580084 | 33.38519097 | 34.40947622 |
185 | Taj Gibson | 33.93290245 | 33.99467541 | 33.99187155 | 33.93244481 | 33.97596614 | 33.76955431 |
186 | Kyle Kuzma | 33.89028329 | 33.82582771 | 33.76985569 | 34.3014469 | 33.70944417 | 33.84484195 |
187 | Jordan Bell | 33.88983525 | 34.34995706 | 34.34141833 | 32.84964946 | 33.27962037 | 34.62853104 |
188 | Juan Hernangomez | 33.68339043 | 33.67986894 | 33.67642619 | 33.61591567 | 33.65124182 | 33.79349955 |
189 | Justise Winslow | 33.65271593 | 33.66931794 | 33.59565379 | 33.46880084 | 33.94368263 | 33.58612447 |
190 | Noah Vonleh | 33.57744561 | 33.65923751 | 33.61842353 | 33.33619226 | 33.52468037 | 33.74869437 |
191 | Fred VanVleet | 33.50455534 | 33.65724528 | 33.55744736 | 33.45505673 | 33.62599868 | 33.22702864 |
192 | Ersan İlyasova | 33.30423092 | 33.45962337 | 33.45047736 | 32.84255524 | 33.37461657 | 33.39388208 |
193 | Darius Miller | 33.29972732 | 32.82665948 | 32.79935381 | 34.37615309 | 33.63356206 | 32.86290817 |
194 | Stanley Johnson | 33.27128809 | 33.29492764 | 33.29556558 | 33.17516085 | 33.18419453 | 33.40659186 |
195 | Malcolm Brogdon | 33.010333 | 33.19041283 | 33.12056468 | 32.69230913 | 33.00240986 | 33.04596852 |
196 | DeMarre Carroll | 32.95256402 | 32.7089132 | 32.68520987 | 33.29639679 | 33.55092491 | 32.52137533 |
197 | Sindarius Thornwell | 32.87821756 | 32.52826704 | 32.53391725 | 32.84002361 | 33.06510365 | 33.42377628 |
198 | Thon Maker | 32.83458422 | 33.28090325 | 33.26888654 | 32.16674284 | 32.4096606 | 33.04672789 |
199 | Enes Kanter | 32.79690288 | 33.4527459 | 33.39608933 | 31.73339362 | 32.25093396 | 33.15135159 |
200 | JaMychal Green | 32.77475911 | 32.99327486 | 32.96439635 | 32.47339081 | 33.08377474 | 32.35895879 |
201 | Wesley Matthews | 32.704194 | 32.34667633 | 32.3213707 | 33.75645734 | 32.92518809 | 32.17127751 |
202 | Cheick Diallo | 32.67057709 | 33.12428669 | 33.12279375 | 31.8126216 | 32.18882673 | 33.10435669 |
203 | Jamal Crawford | 32.62477979 | 32.93060333 | 32.88578275 | 32.25066775 | 32.84834275 | 32.20850237 |
204 | Rodney Hood | 32.61535389 | 32.39196535 | 32.37849949 | 33.32456685 | 32.6221369 | 32.35960084 |
205 | Zaza Pachulia | 32.56753334 | 33.26921214 | 33.259842 | 31.3034602 | 31.98401156 | 33.02114077 |
206 | Nik Stauskas | 32.55832209 | 32.9446093 | 32.93481651 | 31.77941358 | 32.28640411 | 32.84636695 |
207 | Josh Hart | 32.46827471 | 32.08810936 | 32.08151909 | 32.91704136 | 32.63343619 | 32.62126756 |
208 | John Collins | 32.31658028 | 32.60883768 | 32.56720782 | 32.02008846 | 31.93105746 | 32.45570996 |
209 | Zach LaVine | 32.23011087 | 31.88108663 | 31.78400007 | 33.06803519 | 32.28689167 | 32.1305408 |
210 | Trey Lyles | 32.15124462 | 32.63155781 | 32.59919025 | 31.43872731 | 31.65464725 | 32.43210045 |
211 | Tim Hardaway | 32.03418405 | 31.86485577 | 31.78769756 | 32.83959841 | 32.28387523 | 31.39489328 |
212 | Mike Muscala | 31.84134558 | 31.93778872 | 31.90138051 | 31.43558705 | 31.91754708 | 32.01442456 |
213 | OG Anunoby | 31.78880223 | 31.46478579 | 31.47890656 | 31.9921032 | 32.06282913 | 31.94538646 |
214 | Pat Connaughton | 31.70897149 | 31.77656524 | 31.73994012 | 31.2241152 | 32.02695102 | 31.77728586 |
215 | Rodney McGruder | 31.65727261 | 31.25970712 | 31.26041374 | 32.235316 | 31.83776821 | 31.69315799 |
216 | Iman Shumpert | 31.41827012 | 31.09534429 | 31.08712686 | 31.54451106 | 31.8710354 | 31.49333299 |
217 | Meyers Leonard | 31.31463209 | 31.92706014 | 31.90444175 | 30.17762666 | 30.80366729 | 31.76036461 |
218 | Jabari Parker | 31.28391874 | 31.40296141 | 31.36513905 | 31.2000103 | 31.36810224 | 31.08338068 |
219 | Alec Burks | 31.19248707 | 31.60154178 | 31.56467702 | 30.56686927 | 30.82273755 | 31.40660975 |
220 | Marvin Bagley | 31.08872315 | 31.31862353 | 31.29204571 | 30.94911564 | 31.10255523 | 30.78127566 |
221 | Michael Kidd-Gilchrist | 30.89529851 | 31.26599456 | 31.27114855 | 30.54515803 | 30.39631504 | 30.99787636 |
222 | Anthony Tolliver | 30.79670086 | 30.69167332 | 30.67970495 | 30.71873363 | 31.09356337 | 30.79982903 |
223 | Luke Kennard | 30.69121663 | 30.57694033 | 30.54320831 | 30.8514177 | 30.87567536 | 30.60884143 |
224 | Dante Cunningham | 30.67333783 | 30.6325387 | 30.63481029 | 30.40224414 | 30.77899132 | 30.91810469 |
225 | Abdel Nader | 30.58987954 | 30.65722043 | 30.66709264 | 30.20007652 | 30.38037078 | 31.04463732 |
226 | Wesley Iwundu | 30.57805976 | 30.50445155 | 30.51558169 | 30.68760242 | 30.85562582 | 30.32703732 |
227 | Tyrone Wallace | 30.34513075 | 30.52627958 | 30.53975536 | 29.73557595 | 30.03611091 | 30.88793197 |
228 | Tim Frazier | 30.26000475 | 30.63032037 | 30.58640117 | 29.498896 | 30.27917162 | 30.30523462 |
229 | Norman Powell | 30.12287167 | 30.19822625 | 30.18535442 | 30.06441914 | 30.19709978 | 29.96925877 |
230 | Shabazz Napier | 30.11123016 | 30.39594339 | 30.34126566 | 29.58530779 | 30.17363819 | 30.05999577 |
231 | Trey Burke | 30.09799103 | 30.23677037 | 30.18589308 | 29.74069412 | 30.09951139 | 30.22708621 |
232 | Rodions Kurucs | 30.05202722 | 30.12236552 | 30.12229449 | 29.92492021 | 30.0472367 | 30.04331918 |
233 | Ian Clark | 30.05169093 | 30.06881214 | 30.06011814 | 29.93922784 | 30.08794606 | 30.10235048 |
234 | Ivica Zubac | 29.90729841 | 30.34391536 | 30.32717709 | 29.19332863 | 29.41824531 | 30.25382563 |
235 | Boban Marjanovic | 29.80038479 | 30.45652908 | 30.43237041 | 28.43533806 | 29.08503511 | 30.59265129 |
236 | Shaun Livingston | 29.77451295 | 30.16948251 | 30.17184363 | 29.23284799 | 29.54201972 | 29.7563709 |
237 | Jahlil Okafor | 29.75639325 | 29.85677832 | 29.85491278 | 29.46423273 | 29.52771859 | 30.07832382 |
238 | Tony Parker | 29.66189126 | 29.69107264 | 29.68256427 | 29.14404163 | 29.93486547 | 29.85691229 |
239 | Reggie Bullock | 29.56471786 | 29.22028555 | 29.18931579 | 30.40089694 | 29.71148847 | 29.30160256 |
240 | Rondae Hollis-Jefferson | 29.45878945 | 29.7801613 | 29.78321293 | 28.94054298 | 29.18563436 | 29.60439567 |
241 | Derrick Jones | 29.35917319 | 29.30019911 | 29.2994751 | 29.38567326 | 29.3906257 | 29.41989278 |
242 | T.J. Leaf | 29.33855581 | 29.82921651 | 29.83118013 | 28.53009891 | 28.75423387 | 29.74804961 |
243 | Willy Hernangomez | 29.31891803 | 30.14582023 | 30.11181749 | 27.7475521 | 28.77179977 | 29.81760056 |
244 | Maurice Harkless | 29.2785238 | 29.26257546 | 29.25783664 | 29.05712447 | 29.41128716 | 29.40379525 |
245 | Sterling Brown | 29.21432682 | 29.26759221 | 29.26720778 | 28.92313773 | 29.1392272 | 29.47446918 |
246 | Georges Niang | 29.20144851 | 29.68647343 | 29.68048136 | 28.20344907 | 28.70157552 | 29.73526319 |
247 | Allonzo Trier | 29.12858922 | 28.98719666 | 28.98005061 | 29.55799084 | 29.36050541 | 28.75720257 |
248 | Otto Porter | 29.08507011 | 29.36007684 | 29.30534201 | 28.66052797 | 28.78238785 | 29.31701585 |
249 | Cristiano Felício | 29.06723878 | 29.41809285 | 29.43126717 | 28.44364955 | 28.54155322 | 29.50163112 |
250 | Harry Giles | 29.05765667 | 29.53127739 | 29.52105124 | 28.15579541 | 28.44141928 | 29.63874004 |
251 | Jerian Grant | 29.02595609 | 29.31059548 | 29.27253966 | 28.21313366 | 29.24698876 | 29.08652291 |
252 | Markieff Morris | 29.00907417 | 29.16163453 | 29.13254487 | 28.76462617 | 28.92025152 | 29.06631375 |
253 | George Hill | 28.99427169 | 28.82112285 | 28.81538765 | 29.26685825 | 29.38200122 | 28.68598847 |
254 | Emmanuel Mudiay | 28.89912328 | 28.87658931 | 28.8222011 | 29.26206655 | 29.01459106 | 28.52016836 |
255 | Patrick Patterson | 28.78412302 | 28.83883211 | 28.84325717 | 28.44475627 | 28.75621837 | 29.03755119 |
256 | Frank Jackson | 28.73803954 | 28.5616576 | 28.56479844 | 29.26906528 | 28.72616317 | 28.56851319 |
257 | Jaren Jackson | 28.72221796 | 28.75031997 | 28.73325804 | 28.92840988 | 28.74381807 | 28.45528386 |
258 | Tyler Johnson | 28.56294161 | 28.50631719 | 28.46417797 | 28.81772946 | 28.81034555 | 28.21613787 |
259 | Ish Smith | 28.44271777 | 28.6462416 | 28.61691248 | 28.04894183 | 28.43733104 | 28.46416192 |
260 | Taurean Waller-Prince | 28.09756271 | 28.02843387 | 28.00540517 | 28.58266469 | 28.16881482 | 27.70249503 |
261 | Avery Bradley | 28.03547671 | 27.17901373 | 27.19364401 | 29.75425704 | 28.72616127 | 27.32430748 |
262 | Mario Hezonja | 28.01564089 | 28.11807374 | 28.11423338 | 27.79087593 | 27.78381729 | 28.2712041 |
263 | Ante Zizic | 27.95730515 | 27.98721421 | 27.99050376 | 27.95892924 | 27.95349864 | 27.89637992 |
264 | Shelvin Mack | 27.58002373 | 27.60626394 | 27.58280141 | 27.62422841 | 27.79623024 | 27.29059462 |
265 | Jonathon Simmons | 27.46579428 | 27.4454302 | 27.45500936 | 27.73450965 | 27.62348079 | 27.07054141 |
266 | Lauri Markkanen | 27.28093675 | 27.67117258 | 27.59908535 | 26.86614626 | 27.09595254 | 27.17232701 |
267 | Gary Harris | 27.23630064 | 27.02995378 | 27.0146606 | 27.74909027 | 27.37657589 | 27.01122266 |
268 | Derrick Rose | 27.13162061 | 27.17662121 | 27.12017878 | 26.82651062 | 27.07864273 | 27.45614974 |
269 | Wayne Ellington | 26.85689966 | 26.56079401 | 26.51330255 | 27.17197999 | 27.02506646 | 27.01335526 |
270 | Jared Dudley | 26.73680572 | 26.49530896 | 26.50321808 | 26.95666243 | 27.08583348 | 26.64300564 |
271 | Ekpe Udoh | 26.64863813 | 26.84150797 | 26.82837327 | 25.92716279 | 26.52372056 | 27.12242606 |
272 | Antonio Blakeney | 26.55635238 | 26.6442289 | 26.64492818 | 26.35942641 | 26.46262808 | 26.67055032 |
273 | Troy Brown | 26.54763697 | 26.91114256 | 26.90860747 | 25.8281365 | 26.16600464 | 26.92429369 |
274 | Jonas Valanciunas | 26.4195107 | 26.80953564 | 26.7693966 | 26.08926463 | 26.01490123 | 26.41445539 |
275 | Dennis Smith | 26.37027097 | 26.32577018 | 26.28146589 | 26.8621701 | 26.5113001 | 25.87064857 |
276 | C.J. Miles | 26.3681533 | 26.33783513 | 26.33232576 | 26.1981267 | 26.45897712 | 26.51350176 |
277 | James Johnson | 26.31799195 | 26.59504132 | 26.55503733 | 25.74878954 | 26.30288488 | 26.3882067 |
278 | Dirk Nowitzki | 26.13626875 | 26.68365571 | 26.65518767 | 25.16684807 | 25.56519559 | 26.61045673 |
279 | Bismack Biyombo | 26.12601423 | 26.55394941 | 26.54672016 | 25.31635529 | 25.62326588 | 26.58978041 |
280 | Bobby Portis | 26.09305425 | 26.23426987 | 26.1819172 | 25.89658096 | 26.10422077 | 26.04828245 |
281 | James Ennis | 25.77827637 | 25.5631504 | 25.55595076 | 26.18559293 | 25.95077426 | 25.63591352 |
282 | Elie Okobo | 25.77715217 | 25.80781491 | 25.80388229 | 25.81457721 | 25.98828673 | 25.47119973 |
283 | Tyson Chandler | 25.66255558 | 25.76330799 | 25.76908935 | 25.38968794 | 25.5948062 | 25.79588644 |
284 | De'Anthony Melton | 25.66222525 | 25.78874557 | 25.7714232 | 25.24526199 | 25.85518439 | 25.65051112 |
285 | Timothe Luwawu-Cabbarot | 25.53769471 | 25.26470631 | 25.27629378 | 25.76946919 | 25.74325053 | 25.63475373 |
286 | Semi Ojeleye | 25.33896673 | 25.55018944 | 25.54392823 | 24.88118652 | 25.0817611 | 25.63776837 |
287 | Aron Baynes | 25.18081864 | 25.54649619 | 25.53459249 | 24.50036231 | 24.97872261 | 25.34391963 |
288 | Gary Clark | 25.09501346 | 25.20669677 | 25.20014442 | 24.5535286 | 25.07819296 | 25.43650458 |
289 | Quincy Pondexter | 25.06569436 | 24.92421932 | 24.916489 | 24.94980558 | 25.06302923 | 25.47492868 |
290 | Nikola Mirotic | 25.03513238 | 25.18310545 | 25.09842011 | 24.96717333 | 25.03754573 | 24.88941726 |
291 | Troy Daniels | 24.91696925 | 25.01727018 | 24.99972464 | 24.44735024 | 24.80699976 | 25.31350142 |
292 | Justin Anderson | 24.90982782 | 25.10540787 | 25.10449426 | 24.40791155 | 24.82436362 | 25.10696178 |
293 | David Nwaba | 24.87276386 | 24.96790634 | 24.98279431 | 24.76189413 | 24.69045977 | 24.96076476 |
294 | Amir Johnson | 24.85592191 | 25.37978462 | 25.36883764 | 23.84812625 | 24.21111664 | 25.47174437 |
295 | Aaron Holiday | 24.83006941 | 25.13945963 | 25.10987185 | 24.20884291 | 24.77534424 | 24.9168284 |
296 | Wilson Chandler | 24.82301483 | 24.66904003 | 24.6749069 | 24.92940645 | 24.8190235 | 25.02269726 |
297 | Cody Zeller | 24.78506903 | 24.89185879 | 24.89105701 | 24.43409361 | 24.79042678 | 24.91790897 |
298 | Lonzo Ball | 24.68942911 | 24.94207125 | 24.87581952 | 23.87496217 | 24.70850957 | 25.04578305 |
299 | Thabo Sefolosha | 24.55919597 | 25.06695322 | 25.04699233 | 23.77349487 | 23.88008502 | 25.02845442 |
300 | Chasson Randle | 24.45536829 | 24.86110908 | 24.84636636 | 24.00469638 | 24.19763806 | 24.36703155 |
301 | Luke Kornet | 24.43915428 | 24.943295 | 24.89768535 | 23.46983956 | 23.94598937 | 24.93896212 |
302 | Rajon Rondo | 24.30291393 | 24.71365897 | 24.62514062 | 23.20104889 | 23.90282882 | 25.07189235 |
303 | E'Twaun Moore | 24.28560961 | 23.95363254 | 23.9467335 | 25.19343554 | 24.26074588 | 24.07350056 |
304 | Frank Kaminsky | 24.25082917 | 24.63617109 | 24.60150519 | 23.46150126 | 24.01957454 | 24.53539376 |
305 | Matthew Dellavedova | 24.23413019 | 24.48827805 | 24.45814685 | 23.742203 | 24.57733871 | 23.90468435 |
306 | D.J. Wilson | 24.22413732 | 24.30304946 | 24.28771545 | 23.7861823 | 24.39835628 | 24.3453831 |
307 | Mo Bamba | 24.21431487 | 24.66645142 | 24.65497368 | 23.52891648 | 23.81040484 | 24.41082794 |
308 | Khem Birch | 24.16921658 | 24.81961081 | 24.79831751 | 23.35044552 | 23.39190281 | 24.48580625 |
309 | Furkan Korkmaz | 23.94990428 | 24.33721379 | 24.31796921 | 23.22579559 | 23.55980751 | 24.30873529 |
310 | Ivan Rabb | 23.91183976 | 24.23632436 | 24.22498619 | 23.21776022 | 23.56591941 | 24.31420865 |
311 | Jose Calderon | 23.63428476 | 23.73313443 | 23.72614826 | 23.47630857 | 23.97167175 | 23.26416077 |
312 | Kenrich Williams | 23.58806521 | 23.29366731 | 23.28931161 | 23.5924747 | 23.92229492 | 23.84257754 |
313 | Brandon Ingram | 23.50421456 | 23.27637216 | 23.28515321 | 24.04731383 | 23.85085414 | 23.06137947 |
314 | Omari Spellman | 23.28076674 | 23.52090496 | 23.51246104 | 22.69446589 | 23.12319533 | 23.55280645 |
315 | Hamidou Diallo | 23.24583615 | 23.35076638 | 23.35538927 | 23.11366138 | 22.98976536 | 23.41959834 |
316 | Kris Dunn | 23.19479326 | 23.30433382 | 23.24283679 | 23.0745252 | 23.42560643 | 22.92666406 |
317 | Kyle O'Quinn | 23.09127717 | 23.290307 | 23.27867644 | 22.42494139 | 22.93128883 | 23.5311722 |
318 | Jeff Teague | 22.97326876 | 23.29487384 | 23.22697658 | 22.9761797 | 22.96061491 | 22.40769874 |
319 | Elfrid Payton | 22.82334768 | 22.95361916 | 22.88716158 | 22.49269622 | 22.66837529 | 23.11488616 |
320 | Sam Dekker | 22.75131241 | 23.00766349 | 23.02564957 | 22.33314356 | 22.3761276 | 23.01397784 |
321 | Tyler Dorsey | 22.67196996 | 23.01881663 | 22.98257063 | 21.96544542 | 22.40411066 | 22.98890646 |
322 | Marcin Gortat | 22.49148108 | 22.74799717 | 22.74319407 | 22.05246331 | 22.10947713 | 22.80427371 |
323 | Joakim Noah | 22.45766346 | 22.93062172 | 22.91284594 | 21.55485555 | 21.97668792 | 22.91330618 |
324 | Dion Waiters | 22.43083273 | 22.42351118 | 22.37369103 | 22.46197543 | 22.5106787 | 22.38430732 |
325 | Devonte' Graham | 22.29751112 | 22.65174557 | 22.59698991 | 21.63721494 | 22.25509536 | 22.3465098 |
326 | Jonah Bolden | 22.02107238 | 22.2505366 | 22.21449473 | 21.40667144 | 21.84712051 | 22.38653862 |
327 | Dragan Bender | 21.98006447 | 21.87928708 | 21.87044103 | 21.96245135 | 22.01594568 | 22.17219719 |
328 | Wendell Carter | 21.86016352 | 21.78359846 | 21.77069369 | 21.95954323 | 22.0766097 | 21.71037253 |
329 | Marquese Chriss | 21.53934444 | 21.91032332 | 21.91375675 | 20.95724474 | 21.03115724 | 21.88424013 |
330 | T.J. Warren | 21.44617571 | 21.34325052 | 21.31714607 | 21.57508166 | 21.73076367 | 21.26463661 |
331 | Allen Crabbe | 21.0500218 | 20.58979894 | 20.58287177 | 21.66995787 | 21.41575372 | 20.99172671 |
332 | Moritz Wagner | 20.9690086 | 21.13815126 | 21.12054486 | 20.66464684 | 20.79269778 | 21.12900226 |
333 | Glenn Robinson | 20.9131555 | 21.06766081 | 21.07578704 | 20.64719912 | 20.71999749 | 21.05513303 |
334 | Will Barton | 20.88149085 | 20.80446848 | 20.77668267 | 20.88046593 | 21.20156927 | 20.74426792 |
335 | Greg Monroe | 20.77796002 | 21.12011884 | 21.11013431 | 20.29054312 | 20.24928586 | 21.11971794 |
336 | Tristan Thompson | 20.73056451 | 21.02791655 | 21.01989197 | 20.34687252 | 20.39810006 | 20.86004146 |
337 | Kosta Koufos | 20.66175383 | 21.28012987 | 21.2694843 | 19.648233 | 19.98161981 | 21.1293022 |
338 | Nene Hilario | 20.63428052 | 21.18826088 | 21.20275182 | 19.90309932 | 19.93214252 | 20.94514806 |
339 | Dwayne Bacon | 20.59285182 | 20.60718885 | 20.59656404 | 20.61075525 | 20.40715855 | 20.74259242 |
340 | Lance Thomas | 20.45540158 | 20.45000988 | 20.4833482 | 20.46766663 | 20.35611087 | 20.51987233 |
341 | Kyle Anderson | 20.24338354 | 19.89243607 | 19.88883537 | 20.74937546 | 20.63033325 | 20.05593754 |
342 | Frank Ntilikina | 20.12126641 | 20.06203941 | 20.04609376 | 20.18922996 | 20.36319278 | 19.94577613 |
343 | Solomon Hill | 19.99772527 | 19.73604793 | 19.75519112 | 20.25084038 | 20.18651899 | 20.06002795 |
344 | Chandler Hutchison | 19.66435971 | 19.4428897 | 19.46570549 | 19.95048766 | 19.79996384 | 19.66275187 |
As mentioned earlier, durability impacts cumulative true win shares. Furthermore, two players can have the same average true win shares, but different ranges of true win shares. If two players average the same high number of true win shares, you might prefer the more consistent player.
To show more sensitive results, we created an interactive R Shiny app. This lets you compare the true win shares of any two players in a couple different ways. First, you can look at the distribution of true win shares, which shows some form of consistency. For example, if you compare Russell Westbrook and James Harden, you’ll see that Westbrook has a lot of games with low true win shares. So, he’s a polarizing player.
Along with the distribution of true win shares, you can look at the cumulative win shares over time. So, you can see if one player was keeping pace with another, but then got hurt, preventing him from racking up more true win shares. Finally, on the last tab, you can see each player’s individual game log and the true win shares earned for that game. The link is:
Discussion of results
As expected, durability influences cumulative true win shares. So, it’s not exactly a top players list, as several superstars like LeBron, Curry, and Kawhi missed games. The average true win shares looks a lot like a reasonable ranking of the top players. Though no one would rank Westbrook #2, most have Harden, LeBron, Giannis, Curry, and AD among their top players.
The one top player who ranks low is Kevin Durant. This is likely because his counting stats took a hit as a result of playing with the Warriors. This sheds light on the primary issue of the model: though it tries to estimate wins, it does so exclusively through counting stats. For the most part, this gives us a good idea of performance. But, this overvalues some players (like Westbrook) and undervalues others (like Durant). Still, it’s a simple way to measure player impact game-by-game.
NBA teams use analytics to gain an edge in finding players that will help them win. By its construction, true win shares gets to the core of this goal. This is because it’s constructed to predict whether a team will win or lose given a player stat line. Given that it uses counting stats, it has its flaws. But, these counting stats are all we have that’s publicly available on a game-by-game basis.